5 - The Surprise

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"James! Nathan! Lilly! Come on guys, dinners done!" I yelled from the back door. Nathan and Lily came running up alone. "Hey, where's daddy?"

Lily answered. "He was talking to that man."

I looked at her confused. "What man?"

"The one with black hair." Nathan answered. Sitting at the table.

I turned around and went to go find him, as Bucky walked into the room. "Hey, doll. Don't freak out." And he stepped to the side.

I dropped the plate I was holding as Loki appeared behind him. "Hello, my dear. Sorry I'm late."


"Daddy? Who's that?" I looked where Nathan was pointing and saw a figure of a man I didn't immediately recognize.

"I don't know, bud. Why don't you get closer to the house? I'll go find out." I walked towards the figure that was still walking towards me. I froze when I realized who it was.

"Hello, Soldier." He stopped a few feet away from me. I took in his appearance. He hadn't aged, which I knew was normal. His hair had grown, and was slicked back. He was wearing a black t shirt and black jeans.

"That's an odd look for you, Loki." I stared at him blankly and memories of Y/N breaking down in front of me over losing him appeared in my head. "Especially since you're supposed to be dead."

"It's a rather long story." He placed his hands in his pockets and I stared.

"You're really here."

"I am."

Part of me wanted to kick his ass and tell him to go back where ever he was. We've mourned him. She's moved on.

"James! Nathan! Lily! Come on guys, dinner's done!" I heard her yell from the porch and Loki's eyes followed the noise. His face sunk and then he looked at me, almost asking permission.

"Don't talk about it in front of the kids. Wait until later." I waited for him to say something to acknowledge me but he just nodded. "Okay, come on."

We walked into the house and I heard Nathan say "The one with the black hair." As I approached.

Y/N came walking out, I stood in front of Loki.
"Hey, doll. Don't freak out." I knew it was pointless but I had to try. And then I stepped away.

Y/N dropped the plate she was holding as she saw our surprise guest. "Hello, my dear. Sorry I'm late."

She continued to stare at him in shock and I walked towards her. "Hey, doll. Breathe. It's him. I know."

"Dinner is ruined." She looked at the ground where the plate had fallen.

"I don't think the kids mind cereal for breakfast, do you?" I looked at the two of them and they shook their heads no. "Cool, I'll get you guys set up. Okay?" I got out bowls and spoons, Nathan grabbed the milk and Lily picked her favorite cereal, which was just a fancy way to eat sugar. But if there was any day to be lax about their sugar content, it's today.

I look behind me and Y/N is still staring at Loki, who is staring at her. I set the kids up at the table and grabbed a pop tart for Y/N. "You need to eat, too, doll. Just sit." I grabbed one for myself and then handed one to Loki who shook his head.

I sat down and held Y/N's hand. Loki's eyes wandered to that, the two children, and then back to Y/N's eyes.

"How?" Y/N finally choked out.

"Hey, not now. Okay?" I looked between her and the two kids and she nodded.


This can't be real. This is a sick prank. And awful, absurd sick prank. How can he be here? He was dead. Thor saw the body. He buried him. I focused on pulling myself together long enough to choke out one word.


Bucky responded. "Hey, not now. Okay?" He looked between our children and I nodded. Loki was staring at Nathan, and it hit me. He doesn't know.

The kids finished eating and put their bowls in the sink. Nathan walked up to me. "Mommy, is that the guy from my wall?"

Loki's eyes got huge as he registered what Nathan said while pointing at him. I smiled. "That is, baby. You know how we told you your daddy died protecting everyone? That's him. Do you wanna go say hi?"

Nathan walked up to Loki, who squatted down to greet him. "Hi, I'm Nathan."

"I'm Loki, pleased to meet you."

"What's your favorite color?"

Loki smirked at him. "Green. What about yours?"

Nathan's eyes went wide. "Mine too!"

Bucky and I both let out a small laugh while Loki's face broke out in a huge smile.

"Okay, Nathan. How about you get your things and put them in Lily's room so Loki can sleep in yours tonight?"

"Okay!" Nathan ran off and I turned to Loki.

"If that's okay."

"More than. Thank you, both of you. I... I wasn't sure about coming here at first."

"We're glad you did." I smiled at him. "Let's get you set up."

The God Of Surprisesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن