10 - The Fists

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"I just was not strong enough. I left as they put a sword through her heart." Loki finished his story of the past few years and I felt the full range of emotions flowing through me. Anger, at the people who did this. Regret, that I was here living his life while he was being tortured. Fear, at what him being back could mean. Quite frankly all I wanted to do was find someone to hit.

Y/N stood up and without hesitation wrapped her arms around Loki. I could hear Loki start to cry into her chest as she sat down and continued to hold him. I sat where I was, unable to really move or speak, Thor spoke my thoughts.

"I will hunt them all, brother. They will not get away with this atrocity."

"No. They won't." I stared at floor as I spoke, feeling a tear slip out, clenching my fists telling myself not to show too much emotion. I felt myself replaying my own capture. At least could take my feelings out now on the ones who took a father from my son. I took a deep breath and looked directly at Loki, avoiding Y/N's eyes. "They took you from your family, they deserve to be punished for that. I won't forgive what they took from Nathan."

Loki's face expressed relief and admiration and I didn't want it, I looked at the floor again. Still avoiding Y/N. We would have to have our own conversation later and I would rather go to war three times over than have it.

"I'm going to go for a walk." I stood. "I need to clear my head. I have my phone." I leaned down to kiss Y/N's cheek. She didn't turn to kiss me. I acted like I didn't notice.

"Stay safe. I love you." She gave a half smile and I pulled myself together enough to reply but couldn't fake a smile.

"I love you."

I walked out the front door and exhaled. What the fuck was I going to do? We needed revenge for Loki, to know he was safe, that our kids are safe. Surely if they kept him this long they were going to come looking for him. All of the magic bullshit was new for me, I didn't understand it, what it meant for this battle. I just knew I couldn't afford to lose.

My phone rang. I looked at the screen and it was Stark. I rolled my eyes and thought about rejecting the call, but he was likely with the kids.


"Yeah? That's how you answer the phone? Yeah?"

I rolled my eyes again. "What can I do for you, Stark?"

"I'm playing with your children and suddenly Nate out of no where mentions his dead dad. So I'm thinking 'Sweet, finally rid of Barnes.' Until he continued talking and I realized he's referring to Loki. That he's back. Tell me he's talking about a dream and there's not a zombie God at your house at the moment."

"Nope. Loki is back." I said as calmly as I could. Tony surprisingly didn't have a smart ass comment, there was a few moments of silence before he spoke again.

"How's Y/N?"

I sighed. "I don't know. She's at the house with him and Thor now. Loki just explained what happened. I needed some air. And then you called."

"I'm sorry. You're telling me the God who almost prevented you from having your fairy tale happy ending is back from the dead and you left them alone?"

"They're not alone. Thor is there."

I heard Tony sigh. "Barnes. Tell me you're not an idiot. That's his brother. If anything, he's going to be pushing for them. They have a family together."

"So do we, Tony."

Tony scoffed. "Yeah, well. Which one of you is out on a walk alone right now and which one of you is there consoling her?"

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