17 - The Captive

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I struggled against the restrains that held me. I knew it wasn't a person, but based on the green swirls it was magic. More specifically, Loki's magic. "Y/N? Bug, come on. Where are you?" Sam spoke over the comms, I could barely hear their voices over the screaming of the aliens who held me. Some looked almost human. I looked around to find something, anything to get me out of here, and I noted that very few of them even looked similar...

"I'm heading your way, Robocop." I heard Tony's voice and my heart dropped. I wanted to tell them to just go, don't wait for me. But I knew it wouldn't matter.

"Come on, Y/N? What's going on?" I heard Bucky speak. I closed my eyes as the pain in his voice made my heart break. I realized he'd never give up on me. Bucky, I'm sorry. I opened my eyes as one of the aliens approached me with a strange look in his face. As I felt the searing pain in my abdomen I realized why. I let out a scream as I repeated in my head over and over. Bucky I love you. Until I blacked out.


I woke up, unsure of how long I had been unconscious. I looked around and I was alone. I sat up and I was in one of the cells from earlier. The metal bed as uncomfortable as I remember. My abdomen was bandaged and bloody. I heard some movement and started to jump up but the pain in my middle stopped me. I groaned and I looked at the door. The lack of light made me squint. I could see the outline of person but couldn't tell who or what it was.

"What do you want?" I hissed the words, wishing I had a weapon, any weapon.

"Y/N? It's me. Be quiet." Loki.

"Loki? What are you doing here? Where's Bucky?"

"Did I not just say be quiet? Good to know your listening skills haven't improved. I'll be right back. Just stay."

I rolled my eyes. "Where am I gonna go?"

I laid back on the rusted metal, letting out a deep exhale at the pain moving causes. All my fear had been erased, Loki was here. And if he was here, that meant everyone else was too. So I would be saved. I just had to not bleed out until then, that's all. I could do that.

I took the blanket from underneath me and braced myself for pain as I pressed it against my wound, hoping to slow down the bleeding, and forced myself to stay as still as possible. I just needed to wait.

Time passed and I felt myself get tired, I used as much strength as I could to force my eyes to stay open. A battle I soon lost.

I was woken up to the sound of a blast. I looked around terrified and saw a familiar red and gold suit. I smiled. "Tony..."

"Hey kid, heard you got in some trouble."

He leaned down and wrapped his left arm under my neck and his right under my knees as he carried me out. My eyes adjusted to the light as we left the prison and I saw fighting. We must've been winning, because there were two of us to each one of them.

"Is everyone okay?" I whispered and Tony held me closer.

"No one else got a single scratch on them, kid."

"Bucky?" I saw that Tony was walking up the steps to the ship.

"I'm right here, doll." I looked away from Tony and saw Bucky with his eyes bloodshot and wet. He walked towards me and Tony put me in Bucky's arms. "I was so scared."

I placed my hand on his cheek and smiled at him. "I wasn't. I knew you'd save me."

Bucky let out a small laugh and pressed his lips against mine. "The docs gonna take a look at you, okay? He's gonna put you to sleep, but I'll be right here."

I nodded but then looked around. "Where's Loki?"

"He's with Liliana. She's asleep now too, but the doctor said she should be all right." Steve spoke and I hadn't even noticed he was there.

"Okay. Don't leave, Buck."

Bucky placed me on the cot and then grabbed my hand. "No where else I'd rather be."

I smiled at his words as I felt a needle press into my thigh. Bucky's hand squeezed mine as everything went black.

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