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A day has passed and it was time for the "Levi Squad" to head out on their own- without me though. Apparently, I was still deemed injured enough for me not to go on the mission with them. So, here I was, sitting alone in the library while my friends were doing badass stuff.

Sighing to myself, I flipped through the pages of the dictionary I found on a random shelf out of boredom. Having already completed my training, which I was allowed to still do for some unknown reason, I had nothing else to do so I just decided to spend my time here.

I looked out the window to see the fading sunset pass over the mountains out towards the west. I propped my chin on my hand as I watched in awe as the colors blended together beautifully, and I was about to look away but then I saw a great green flash expand fastly over the horizon. Amazing...

𝐚/𝐧 🥲🥲🥲

Looking away from the window I placed my attention back on the dictionary, then a bright idea popped into my mind. I would now not only look in this large boring book out of boredom, but to also fuck with Connie and Sasha. I was going to memorize these large-ass and complicated words and use them in all of my conversations with them just to confuse them more because we all know they wouldn't know shit on what the words will mean at all.

Smirking to myself, I started to concentrate even more on what I was reading, and I just finished studying the "Q" section and had begun the "R" section, when scribbles on the page caught my attention.

Redamancy (n.) The act of loving the one who loves you; a love returned full.

And written underneath was:

Connie and Sasha were here~

This is our parents Horse-face and Y/n ;)) ~~

My first thought was why Connie and Sasha were even looking at a dictionary, but then I was even more confused as to why my name and "Horse-face" were written there. Who was Horse-face?

I sat and pondered on that as I stared at what I recognized to be Sasha's scribbled handwriting, and then it hit me.

"HAHA! Jean, you're a fucking dumbass!" Eren yelled aloud with a hand on his stomach from laughing too hard as he watched Jean struggle to stand up from the slab of ice he fell on seconds ago.

Was this a memory?

"Shut up, you bastard!" Jean seethed out and chucked a ball of snow at Eren's face, knocking him off of his feet.

A second later though, Eren was back up and onto his feet, his hand holding his own snowball Mikasa made and started to chuck it at him.

"You dumb horse-face! That could've killed me!" Eren yelled to Jean.

"Jean is 'Horse-face'?" I whispered to myself, then my eyes widened. "Then why would Connie and Sasha write this?! We aren't even together!"

Or were we?

Having a headache starting to form at my temples, I ripped out the page to the book, not caring if I was allowed to or not, and pockets inside of a random black hoodie I found in my room.

I'll just keep this and ask Connie and Sasha about it when they come back.


The sound of horse hooves on the cobblestone road and shouts of clamor from the soldiers filled the atmosphere as everyone was heading back from the Orvud District where, if I recalled this correctly from a random messenger, Historia's dad transformed into a titan and was about to kill everyone.

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