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𝐟𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬 𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐫

I stared up at the cleaning, wide awake as Jean and Sasha's snoring was the only sound reverberating through the empty room. The moonlight coming through the small window by the side of the room illuminated the boy's peaceful features from beside me. I wave my hand in front of his closed eyes. He was fast asleep.

Slowly, I unwrapped his arm from around my waist and placed a large pillow to where I was just laying. Jean lets out a muffled sound and I stop in my tracks from the side of the bed, but my body relaxes as the boy lets out a choked snore and starts to cuddle the pillow. 

I peel my eyes away from the cute sight and change into the darkest pair of clothes I owned: sliding on Jean's old black sweatshirt and Sasha's equally black leggings. Dancing over the piles of dirty clothes and assortments of shoes on the ground I go to Sasha and I's shared dresser and pick up a hairband, quickly trying all of my hair into a ponytail.

Carefully stepping over the mess that was on the floor I finally reach the door and my hand goes to the knob; I take one last look back to see Sasha snoring loudly with a line of drool pooling on the side of her mouth, and Jean snoring softly as he cuddled the pillow that was supposed to be me. After another moment I quietly slipped out of the room.

As I walked down the empty hallways that were vacant in the dead of the night, I fastened the twin blades Miche got me for my thirteenth birthday, along with the small dagger Levi gave me as a kid.

Thoughts from before swirled in my head as my footsteps echoed quietly in the halls.

Evander's days of staying inside of my head, haunting my dreams and thoughts, would end tonight.

I'm about to turn the corner and down the hall but I stop when I see a small figure appear out of nowhere, their dark hair and fair skin illuminated by the light inside of the room they came out of. Levi stands in the corridor as the door shuts softly behind him. A soft smile resided on his lips, but it disappeared as fast as it came as he walked away.

I wait a few moments for his footsteps to stop echoing as I make my way down the hall again, but I stutter in my steps when I see who's door Levi just came out of with that soft expression on his face.

Commander Erwin's plain wooden door met me face on as I stopped in front of it. My eyes widened, and then I smiled.

Suppressing a chuckle I resume my walk down the halls and sneak past the guards to the entrance of HQ, silently thanking the walls for everyone being fast asleep as I strolled past them and to the stables.

With a candle flickering in a lantern from the posts of the stables I'm able to navigate easily to one of the freelancer horses- the horses that had no specific soldier for them to carry around in expeditions. I would've taken my own horse, but for precautions, it would be safer to take a random one in case someone noticed my own was missing during the time I was gone.

After securing all my gear and saddle on the horse I got atop it and looked behind me to make sure no one was around, and after deeming it safe I rode off into the night.

It must've been thirty minutes, and probably around three in the morning when I reached the jailhouse where the MP's criminals were held inside the city of Trost. I tied the reins to the dark-coated horse to a lamppost on the side of the road as I strolled up the entrance of the jailhouse.

"Oi-" before the soldier could finish his sentence I've already knocked him out with a roundhouse kick to the head. I catch his body midway and lean his back against the metal bars to the building's gate.

𝗥𝗘𝗗𝗔𝗠𝗔𝗡𝗖𝗬 | 𝙅. 𝙆𝙄𝙍𝙎𝙏𝙀𝙄𝙉Where stories live. Discover now