34.2: Attack on High Collection Headquarters

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The chaos flowing up from downstairs was a contrast to the third floor stilled to a pause. Scotch had to hold in a mirth as Mason's hand came in his pocket, fishing for the handle of the gun and tickling his thigh. Mason's hand touched the stone. Scotch had forgotten he put it in the same pocket. 

The gun slipped out and the chain came with it. The stone clattered to the floor. Mason fired behind him without looking. Luka groaned and fell. Scotch grabbed the stone. He and Mason hurried to the room. While Mason helped the Lizlerrin guard, Scotch found Maya choking the Halfhuman representative. He had to stop her, but Mason had the gun.

He spotted a pencil. It was the most pathetic thing, but he needed to get her attention away. He picked it up and chucked it at her. It hit the side of her head. She flashed a glare at him and in that moment the representative kicked her in the stomach and Maya went reeling back. The representative kicked her again and rolled out from under Maya.

He stood, gasping. He was a Haundai with black fur around his face like a nice sideburn. But for the most part, he had Human features, except the paws. Their eyes met.

"Sir," Scotch said, "you need to hear—"

A gunshot. The representative fell on his back and didn't move. Maya clamored up from a tangle of chairs. "Luka, get him!"

Scotch dodged just in time, making his way out the door and into the hall. Mason was shooting at someone who hid behind a large vase place by the banister.

"They killed him!" Scotch yelled and slammed the doors before Luka could get out. He held them closed.

"It's Trinity!" Mason shouted back.

Scotch twisted his body away as a bullet came through the door. "What do we do?" He was out of options. The representative was their only hope. If that Haundai could hear what the captain of police was like, he could gather the HC together and they could make the world decision. Trinity's terror could be over just like that. But now he was dead, who was going to listen to Scotch?

"What do you have?" the Lizlerrin, who was leaning against the wall by the door grunted as he adjusted his position. His thigh was bleeding heavily.

Scotch gritted his teeth and twisted again, as Luka fired from within the doors. The bullet grazed his leg and blood seeped out.

"Recording of Trinity admitting the truth. She killed my father. She fueled AEM. She—"

"Human rep. Marianne Wentworth." The Lizlerrin said through gasps.

"But she's a Human! She won't listen to the problems of Halfhumans." Scotch felt a bullet his leg this time. It was like someone had just cut through his flesh in one concentrated place.

The Lizlerrin shook his head. "Not all Humans turn a blind eye. Trust me, I know. I work here." There were tears in his eyes when he said that. Then he grunted and stood, taking out a gun he fumbled forward.

"Wait, where are ya goin'?" Mason called as the Lizlerrin limped past him. Scotch couldn't hold the door any longer. Luka burst through and Scotch fell over.

"Ha!" Luka sneered. "I heard all about it! Give me your Bolt. You're making a mistake Scotch!" He barreled into him and Scotch he rolled over on his stomach to make it hard for Luka to get his Bolt out. 

A swarm of Humans were coming up the stairs then and they stopped short as Trinity emerged from behind the vase and began to shoot at them. As they tried to flee, the Lizlerrin shot at Trinity. She shot him back and he fell over the side, down to the first floor. 

One Human in front gaped at the sight. Then he dove for cover as Trinity shot at them. Mason growled and barged into the vase. Trinity lost her gun. Then he turned around and through the gun across the way. But it wasn't close enough for Scotch.

"Shite!" He tried to reach, but like he was short, so were his arms. He couldn't get it without letting Luka get it first. He tried to roll over, but Luka had him pinned.

"Give up, marmalade," Luka said and reached his hand into Scotch's pocket. Scotch put as much strength into his stomach to heave him off. He kicked his legs and gritted his teeth.

"Shite, shite, shite!" Tears of frustration stung his eyes. Scotch saw Mason struggling with Trinity in a wrestling match. Trinity grabbed Mason's tail and slammed him into the wall. He gasped and fell to the floor. The Humans left alive were just standing at the top of the stairs, eyes wide with fear and shock. With no weapons, they couldn't do anything. 

Then, Scotch saw the white-hair sickly Saber carrying a torch, running through the hallways along the banister, setting everything on fire. Trinity laughed. Mason was still passed out. It was the vision coming to life. Fear gripped Scotch's heart in its talons. 

Was this the end? Was all this for nothing? Were they going to die here? He coughed on the smoke. Soon, they would all burn. Whatever future Trinity and Saber saw in their darkened minds was going to become true.

I won't let it! He put his paws under him and pushed. His muscles screamed. He groaned and grunted, twisted his body right and pushed against Luka. It was important someone heard the truth. It was important to his father as it was to him.

"Get off me you bastard!" Scotch screamed and rolled over, crushing Luka's hand. Luka cried out and snatched his hand away. Scotch kicked him in the crotch with all his might making his opponent squeal. Panting, he stood on shaky legs and wobbled to the gun. He took it up and shot at Trinity, hitting her arm. Then he took a deep breath.

"WHERE IS THE HUMAN REP'S OFFICE?!" He roared and one of the Humans in front blinked as if coming out of trance.

"Down that hall behind you. Next wing. In hiding, but she won't—"

Scotch ran over to Mason and shook him awake. He put the gun in his hands. Mason stood up.

"Shite, my back hurts."

"Cover me." Scotch pressed the gun to his chest. "I'm goin' to run."

Mason nodded. "Run like the wind, Scotchie." He winked and faced Trinity. "Hey, pickle face! Why don't ya pick on someone your own race or are ya a coward?"

Scotch was high on adrenaline. He got down on all fours and imagined he was not in a burning building, but back in Marmaglaid in Twigdrunken Forest. 

Then, he pelted away.

Paws Chase Murder Case ✓| bxb, police drama, urban fantasyWhere stories live. Discover now