9: frostycityman trouble

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"Well, okay, I'm Christoph, but you can call me Chris if you want," he said in a quiet voice and cast his eyes down. "And," He lifted his gaze and looked around them all, "I messed up. I'm sorry. Sorry everyone and sorry Scotch."

"Felix. And I'm sorry, too. I just deleted the photo and said it was fake." Felix sighed and met Scotch's eyes. "Sorry man, really."

"Accepted," Scotch mumbled, but only because he knew he should.

"You are all intelligent youngsters." Alex began. "You know the right, you know the wrong, and you know how to apologize." Alex faced Christoph. "Show with your actions you can be a better citizen. I know you can be. That's why you're here." Then he stood and walked to the door to face them all.

"Cataloogy Police serves the city and protects the city. But you don't go out there with nothing. You start here in this school. Help your peers, strengthen your bonds, and that will help you out in the field when you need it most."

Help your peers and strengthen your bonds, Scotch repeated in his head. And that will help you when you need it most. He bit his lip. Such touching words those were. His body moved before his brain could comprehend. Scotch stood and walked over to Christoph. He held out his paw.

"Ya said we would never be friends." He began and then his brain caught up. No, he didn't want to be friends with this guy. But he didn't want to be on ill terms either. "But that doesn't mean we can't be roommates or fellow cadets."

Christoph swallowed and hesitated. "I did horrible things."

"Yeah, and I still hate your guts. But that doesn't mean I can't act civilized around ya. Sorry, I smacked ya." Scotch kept his paw out as Christoph bit his lip, still hesitating. Mason came to stand beside Scotch.

"I hate both of ya for doin' that to my best friend. But ain't meanin' I'll be murderin' ya in your sleep. And I'm sorry I attacked ya, Felix. Good terms?" Mason held out his paw and Felix nodded, taking it.

"Good terms, sure."

Christoph sighed and took Scotch's paw in a firm hand-pawshake. "Good terms, yes?"

"Yeah." Scotch let a smile creep up on his lips. He still felt like the world had fallen around him and there was no way of salvaging it no matter how many times Christoph said sorry or no matter if Felix deleted the photo. Thousands of citizens had already seen it and he would sure get called 'whore' tomorrow.

Yeah, but it's good. My life's shite anyways. Yesterday began with his ex not seeing him off and now the entire academy probably thought that he was some forceful promiscuous guy.

Immoral. Oversexed. Wild.

"So, what do ya guys like?" Mason said and at that moment the pizza and drinks arrived which Alex paid for. They all sat around the table and River went to sit with her roommate Olive. Desiree came over to talk with Ginger and little by little the city-country lines seemed to blur. Amidst that, Scotch sat quietly with Christoph only because Alex encouraged them to sit together and get to know each other. Didn't they have plenty of time to do that back in the room?

"So," Alex came back around, "how are you two getting on?" He had a bottle of juice in his hands. It fizzed when he opened the top. Scotch wiped his mouth with a napkin and shrugged. They hadn't been talking. It was obvious. Even Mason and Felix were warming up to each other. Having known Mason since they were little, Scotch knew a thing or two about feline body language. Even if their bodies were mostly human, they still did feline things on instinct.

"What do you like to do on the weekends?" Alex faced Christoph.

"Well, hanging out with my friends. Watching TV."

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