16: The Preoccupied Scavenger Hunt

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"Hey, wait up," Luka hailed them as they exited the room, ushered out by Sage. "Scotch, Mason, can I have a word?"

River stepped up to him with her arms crossed. "You can, but me and Ginger gotta be here. We know all about it."

Christoph stopped. "There's something going on here and my intuitions tell me it's about OB."

Luka raised a brow at him. "Good intuitions, cadet," he said. "Very good."

Scotch frowned. Was there some condescending there? "Why didn't you tell me about you and Maya—"

"Cap told us to keep it secret. She didn't want us spreading the word and it getting out to the public just yet. The funding and all wasn't finalized until noon," Luka said. "And anyway, if you all gotta be here," He glanced around the hall, but everyone had gone off already, "keep it down, alright?"

"Hope you didn't tell Trinity what we're doin'." Scotch narrowed his eyes.

Mason scoffed but said nothing.

"Being in SSTF allows me to access files at the High Collection Police Headquarters. Maya thinks there might be additional information stored away there. The type that's hidden. The blue coded type. She thinks we should get it so that Trinity doesn't try to destroy it. Then we'd have that as evidence, we get Scuttle, and we reopen the trial."

As utopian as it sounded, it didn't make sense. Bran Borrecki was killed ten years ago. Ten years ago, a trial called forth a Human gang leader and made him out as the criminal for life. The Period of Respect—a week of respect to the captain that died—followed, but four days before it ended, Trinity took the position as captain. She was supposed to wait, but she didn't. Her reasoning was that it couldn't wait, but they'd already caught the criminal and she was acting captain already so there was no need to take the official title yet. Scotch frowned. Did Luka think he was stupid or something?

"Okay so, yeah, that's the plan. Have you heard from Ty?"

Scotch shook his head. Luka nodded and smiled. Then he ran off down the hall.

"I think I see what's going on, but you'll have to fill it in for me later," Christoph broke the silence. "Shall we at least try to find the items?"

They all agreed and soon seemed to put it behind them, trying to figure out the hints for the items. But Scotch was still hung up about Luka. Was Luka also in cahoots with Trinity or was he trying to help Scotch? Did Luka know Maya was in cahoots? It didn't sound like Tyler had texted Luka yet. Maybe Luka was on the bad side?

Didn't imagine Academy to be so dramatic. He sighed and stopped for the others had slowed down.

"Where are the other city slickers?" Mason asked. "Hey, Scotchie, you're good at this stuff, what's the last one?"

Scotch took the list from him and scanned through the items.

"The others already went home for the holidays," Christoph explained.

Mason narrowed his eyes. "And yer not goin'?"

He straightened his tie with a scoff. "I'd rather stay here than rot back home. So, what does it say?"

Scotch glanced up and sighed. "Grab it in your mouth, beware of the spikes. Tango time."

"Rose," River whispered.

"Saw one in the entrance. The big vase, yeah?" Mason was about to sprint, but Scotch held him back.

"We should check the others first and then make a plan."


"What's this," Christoph snatched the letter away and squinted at the squiggly hand or pawwriting, "T. F? Free friend or tree friend?"

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