20: Into the Heart of the Buzz

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Scotch, nor the other Crystal Hunters or Christoph had much of a chance to ogle at HC Station last night. The station was attached like a mushroom to the side of the High Collection's headquarters giving easy access to office workers. 

There was no rational reason why the first world leaders decided to put HC headquarters in the Second Ring instead of the First Ring. The Humans were the ones that suggested there needed to be a headquarters, but they opted to putting it in the Second Ring where they would end up not living.

At the entrance of the domed-ceiling station was a sign that pointed to the station and to 'High Collection Headquarters' which said underneath, 'Heart of the Buzz'. The heart was Buzz was the city, Taykitrooky. It was called the Buzz sometimes because of how noisy it was like a buzzing bee. It was also the place to be buzzing, which was slang for 'meeting with other citizens in excited conversation'.

Down the walkway to the station, wide windows let in sunlight, showed blue sky, and a morning in Taykitrooky. There was not a single citizen who didn't know about the famous Taykitrooky. Not only did the city have the headquarters for the ruling body of the entire world, it had many famous landmarks as well. Scotch was going to bet on his tail that except for the long-secluded Kathula race, every race knew about Taykitrooky.

Hoping to glimpse some landmarks, Scotch strained his neck to see over the tall Halfhumans. But he was just short, that was all. He soon spotted a bridge out the window stretching wide over a large body of water. He recognized it from postcards, immediately.

"Mason, look, that's the Finderletty Bridge!" He grabbed Mason's wrist. "And Skyrine Building with all their cool tech, remember?"

"It's cool and all," Mason said shrugged, "but I got you one better."

"But Mason!" Scotch couldn't believe his friend wasn't gushing over Skyrine Building. Mason loved to talk about Skyrine and all the latest gadgets they came up with. When he was little, he even said he wanted to work there some day. That was before he said he wanted to be a policeman.

But soon, Scotch found out why Mason was only mildly impressed. They came to the biggest landmark of all—the cloud-kissing buildings of the High Collection headquarters.

"Great moons, would ya look at that!" Ginger exclaimed and took out her AutoPic. She and River snapped some selfies and once, Mason photobombed them with a silly grin.

Scotch was at a loss for words. Rumors had it that the highest floor was actually in space and that the building was so high it touched the stars. Each floor had hundreds of little windows. Mason dragged him to take some selfies.

"Betcha they be jealous we saw headquarters!" Mason was already sending the photo to his father back home.

The other building was also part of headquarters. It was a straight rectangular building with two gargantuan crescent moons on top and where the moons made a circle, at first glance, it looked like nothing was there. This invisible spot was the core of the High Collection and where the representatives were said to gather and discuss the future of the world.

Above the crescent and the sphere was a building floating because of magick. It was the same straight rectangular shape and called the Floating Building by most although the official name was something else that was hard to pronounce and forgotten. It was unclear what it was used for and any information on that part of the building was not made public.

Magick. Scotch thought, pursing his lips. Sometimes I forget this world has magick. He never encountered magick in his daily life, so to be reminded like this made him realize how big and complex Elgana really was.

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