The Gang (art)

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I call them the gang.

Scotch, Mason, River, Ginger, and Christoph, drawn by me, each wearing clothes that represent their personalities. 

This is the first version of Scotch's and Mason's face designs, vastly different from what they are now.

River wearing dark blue clothes with a white blouse and black choker, shows her being all put together with more "conservative" colors

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River wearing dark blue clothes with a white blouse and black choker, shows her being all put together with more "conservative" colors. She also prefers to be covered up for school.

Ginger is all about being comfortable no matter where she's at. She's wearing a flowy, oversized sweater, and long stockings. Her hair is usually a frazzled mess.

Christoph wearing a white shirt and blue vest being all proper like a true cityfolk. You can't tell, but he's wearing a tie with little light green "CPA"s all over it. Bought it at the school's supply shop. He wears little things like ties or socks with the CPA logo on it to show his respect, but not shout it out. He's also wearing some slick black shoes.

Scotch wears plain navy blue jeans. He likes casual, but also wants to show he's serious and loyal to the school by wearing something with the school logo--a hoodie with CPA on it. 

Mason wears ripped and bleached jeans and wears his parker loosely, showing his carefree side. Despite his playful attitude, he's actually serious about school, so he does wear the CPA parker at school instead of his own parker.

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