5: Crystal Hunters

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"Ayeeeee ahh!" Desiree shrieked like a goat. "It's cold!"

"Bastard! I'm going to kill you!" Christoph growled and sprang at him. Scotch backed up to the door and it swung open and he fell into Officer Dornt's scaly arms with Christoph leaning into him.

"What is going on?" Officer Dornt's growl sent all Scotch's thoughts and worries, frustrations and annoyances running for their lives to be replaced with a strange calmness. None of this was his fault and he could say so truthfully.

Christoph scrambled up to his feet and Officer Dornt practically threw Scotch off of him. He stumbled forward and grabbed the doorframe. Next to him stood Christoph rigid in his underwear and in the room, Desiree was hurriedly putting on her shirt backwards.

"Curfew." Officer Dornt glared at them through the slits of his eyes.

Desiree was fishing for her shoes and looked up. "Sorry, I—"

"Sorry your ass! Get out here Wires!"

Wires? Scotch held in a smirk. Desire Wires.

She hurriedly left the room in haste and tears. Serves her right and she should feel guilty. Officer Dornt turned to Christoph and Scotch. "No excuses. Curfew."

"But sir, my bed is wet! I paid for this room and if my father hears—"

"If you father hears you were misbehaving, what then, Percy?" With a growl, Officer Dornt left without another word. Or so most would think. Scotch caught him saying under his breath, "Stupid hormonal teenagers."

"But my bed is wet, sir! Sir!" Christoph was practically wailing by now. Serves him right. Officer Dornt turned around and for a second, he looked tired.


"Goodnight, sir," Scotch said and glanced at Christoph who had gone back into the room, head hung in defeat. Scotch closed the door behind him. Christoph whipped his head around and glared at him with fangs exposed.

"Don't try anythin' at night. I have really good hearin'." Scotch climbed back up into the bed and rolled over. There was a lot of rustling along with a low growl. Christoph was yanking the sheets from his bed and flung them at the door with force.

"You imbecile!" He shouted and the bed creaked when he jumped onto it.

Scotch turned over and smirked. "Dimwit."


"Go to sleep, Christoph Two Names."

"I'll murder you, Beverage."

"Beverage, good one." Scotch chuckled, and Christoph groaned for not having his insult taken seriously. Scotch enjoyed riling citizens up just to see what good insults they could come up with for him. It was amusing.

* * *

He was dreaming about a silhouette vaguely similar to Tyler, but by the time he woke to the sound of a soft whistle, it had all disappeared. It was Mason, using their secret signal. For Scotch, it was a soft whistle that only he could hear. For Mason, it was the sound of claws clicking on wood that always got on his nerves and woke him up even during a deep sleep.

Scotch rubbed his eyes and checked the time. One in the morning. Great. He wasn't going to get any rest to ready for his first day at Academy. Christoph was sleeping on his stomach getting the good rest he needed to wake up four hours later. Sighing softly, Scotch climbed down the bed ladder and opened the door. Mason wasn't there, but he found his friend in the common area where the other villagetown cadets sat sprawled across the sofas. Podge was the only one missing.

Paws Chase Murder Case ✓| bxb, police drama, urban fantasyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin