31: They Were Everywhere

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Vinyan City police didn't believe their story. No arguing, no nothing, not even allowed to talk anymore, Scotch and his friends were taken into custody. Not only that, but they found out that they were on a 'wanted' list by Halfhuman police. Scotch knew it had to be Trinity's doing. Morgan damn Trinity was trying to catch them and do only the moons know what to them.

"We're toast," Mason whispered.

"I can do with some toast," Scotch whispered back as his wrists were put in cuffs.

"Shut up, wrenches!" the male Human with orange hair said.

"Could ya maybe tell us why the police want us?" Ginger said with a smile as they cuffed her.

Orange Hair laughed. "Lookin' all innocent, are we? Criminals. You know what you did."

A yellow-haired male exited the boxy white building that stood before them. "Sir, I got them on the line, they're coming in an hour," he said and then stared at Scotch, specifically his wrist where his Human skin was showing through.

"What're ya lookin' at?" Scotch narrowed his eyes.

"What's his name?" Yellow Hair asked Orange Hair as if Scotch wasn't there.

"Scotch Borrecki," Orange Hair said.

"Really." Yellow Hair stared some more and shrugged. Then he went around to help take them all into the police facility that was right at the entrance to the city. Vinyan City had a wall around it like Bairenshire, but there was a circular tunnel leading into the center of the city through the concrete wall. 

It was in this tunnel that a police office sat and the boxy building was wedged into the wall, practically built into the tunnel. Or the tunnel could have been built around the square building. As they went across the tunnel to the other side, Scotch glimpsed the innards of Vinyan.

Pointy. Everything was pointy. Pointy glass buildings, pointy stone buildings, and triangular houses like a strange kind of forest. It was all white and nearly blinding under the early morning light. They should be far enough from any portal still, but it seems the First Ring just had fast time somehow.

How ever that works. Scotch nearly bumped his head on the doorframe when he turned back.

Thirty minutes later, Scotch's wrists were released, and he was in his own holding room, sitting at a table with a black-haired female Human across from him. She was tapping her pen against the table.

Tap, tap, tap.

His ears twitched at each sound. It irked him. They had been sitting like this for five minutes without saying anything. He didn't dare speak though. You never spoke against the police. She glanced at the glass window and nodded. Scotch couldn't see anything, but he knew her boss or someone must be outside watching. They probably also had speakers or something in here to pick up the sound. They would be hearing everything he said, maybe even record it.

"You and your friends, last night, tried to seize a Human settlement. Five Humans died." She spoke as if these were the facts, and she was relaying them to him.

"Fox," She took a deep breath and switch the pen from one hand to the other, "we can do this the hard way, but I don't think you'd like that. So, tell me, what does the son of Bran Borrecki want?"

At the mention of his father, Scotch swallowed. How much did they know? Were they on Trinity's side or his father's side? Were they even on a side? The female smirked.

"He tried to kill Morgan Trinity, but it backfired on him and he got killed."

"No! That's a lie!" Scotch stood up. "Who's feeding ya this information?" He couldn't believe she would say such things! His father was not a killer. Trinity was!

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