19: The Morning After

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Seven in the morning, in a dingy dining room that could have passed for a smoky, outdated bar, Scotch slowly stirred his coffee, gazing into the unappetizing beige liquid. Last night, after arriving at High Collection Station, they grabbed the cheapest looking motel and hunkered down. 

But Scotch hadn't been able to sleep much, worried about Tyler and if he would ever get to see him again. Then he did the worst thing—he kept himself up to date with what was going on at school through CPA student news.

"Mornin'." Mason sat down across from him with his own coffee. "Looks like ya slept none last night."

"Look at this." Scotch pulled out his Bolt and showed Mason the newest development. Captain Morgan Trinity announced at six in the morning that it was, yes, indeed, a gang of Humans that caused the explosion and killed ten citizens. 

But Cataloogy Police Force had it all under control. Justice would be served. In CPA student news, there were articles about how the Human gang killed Officer Regalous Dornt and Quinn Torrent. An article by 'frostycityman' said it was the same one that killed Bran Borrecki ten years ago and they had come to the Halfhuman police for revenge.

"Shite," Mason breathed out, "Alex."

"River has proof it was Alex killed Dornt." Scotch yawned a great big one. His eyes felt like they might fall asleep. "But we'd sure as get shushed."

Mason ran his finger across his neck. Scotch grimaced because they both knew Trinity had that power.

"Good morning, villagies," Christoph said, plunking himself down at the next table. He had served himself some eggs, sausage, and a piece of toast with butter on it. "What's new?"

"Mornin'!" Ginger skipped over to them with a smile on her face. Her red sweater was larger than her, almost like a dress, and with the sleeves coming over her hands. The collar was barely hiding anything underneath although she did have a pink shirt on.

She plunked herself across from Christoph. "Slept well, every—damn, Scotchie, ya look like a sock!"

"A sock?" Christoph chuckled.

Ginger made her hand flabby and waved it around. "Like a sock, ya know? We say that."

"I'm an orange sock. I couldn't sleep." Scotch drank some more coffee. He really couldn't stomach food, but he knew he had to eat. A big day was supposedly ahead of them. "Anyone wanna get food with me?"

Ginger shook her head, saying she already ate. "Remember 'em cupcakes at the hotel? I stole tons and had that. Squashed in my bag, fine!" She grinned.

Scotch and Mason were at the self-serve stands when River came in. Her hair was back in a tight, neat ponytail. Her often drooping ears were upright and alert. She was dressed in a black t-shirt with a slightly dipping collar, a white sweater, and blue jeans. A pair of strapped sunglasses hung around her neck.

Mason whistled. "Damn, she lookin' fine."

"Yeah, you should've changed." Scotch pinched Mason's parker, the same black one with the words 'LIFE HIGH LIFE' on it that he wore the day before. Mason reached over and stole Scotch's sausage.

"Oy!" He hissed. "You can't eat here, bastard."

With Mason ogling River and making no attempt to hide it, Scotch went over to a stand near the back that had cereal. It was always his comfort food in the morning. Damn, did he need one this morning.

Making his way over, he noticed a few citizens in pairs here and there. By the cereal stand was a pair of male Leovras easy to tell because they had a brush of an orange beard connecting to their blonde or orange hair. Not a full mane, but close enough to know their sub-specie. They were dressed quite casually—t-shirts and jeans, talking in low, serious-sounding voices.

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