25.2: Friends for Life, Two Names for Beverage

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A nurse came to check in on Scotch every hour and at three o'clock, there was a knock on the door, but whoever it was didn't come in. It was strange because none of the nurses knocked and waited.

"Come in!" Scotch called. The door opened. There stood a tall Human with dark skin and bright blue hair with purple highlights. Scotch recognized the Sorcerer immediately. It was the one he saw in the portal going from the Second Ring to the First Ring.

"Hello, we meet again," the Sorcerer removed his hood and pulled up a chair to sit beside the bed, "I was told you had a horrible injury on your side."

"Yeah..." Scotch wasn't sure where this was going. The Sorcerer's black eyes turned blue, and they seemed to glow.

"I've come to heal."

"With magick?"


"I'm not sure about that." Scotch noticed a spark of blue light flash between the Sorcerer's fingers. "I mean, it's not like I don't believe in it, or, I mean..." It was somehow mesmerizing to watch the blue light flicker around the Sorcerer's fingers.

"Your friend, Mason, I did the same. I usually don't heal others in this way because then you must think about what is fair or not, who to save, it becomes very morally complicated, if you know what I mean?"

Scotch nodded. "So why us?"

The Sorcerer let the light die and tapped his chin. "Hm, well, let me ask you, have you seen a citrine stone, by chance?"

"What's that have to do with anythin'?" Scotch didn't like the roundabout, maybe-I'll-tell-you-but-maybe-I've-changed-my-mind talk. "I don't like bein' left in a mystery."

"I think you know what I'm talking about. You have gotten close to the citrine stone and you will need that to prove whodunit. The citrine stone is the stone of justice. Ring a bell? Wow," He chuckled, "that's an old Human expression. Can't believe I still remember that fig."

Scotch remembered Luka had the citrine stone on a necklace around his neck. "It's got magical properties?" he asked, and the Sorcerer nodded.

"Whoever has it now will not only be to his or her disadvantage but could potentially have negative effects on what you're trying to accomplish. You should have the stone in your paws. Soon. Now, lift up your shirt and let me heal you. You and Mason are needed sooner than these wounds are willing to heal, and I make exceptions for good reasons."

Scotch guessed that if Mason had it done, he could, too. Besides, it would be cool to be able to say that he was healed by magick. In the Sorcerer's hands was a soft pale blue light that became darker and darker until it was nearly purple. When the light touched his side, Scotch felt nothing. 

He watched in amazement and wonder as the stitches came out by themselves, and the skin pulled together while the light seeped in the wound cleaning out all the ugly puss along with the caked blood on the sides of the wound and in his fur. The healing process was completed in a matter of ten seconds.

The Sorcerer leaned back in the chair. "All done! I wouldn't go poking at it or rolling on it for a good three hours though. That's how long it takes for the magick to work its way into the depths. If you really had to, it's okay, but not ideal if you want to be healed within the day."

Scotch gently touched the wound, and it was like nothing was wrong there. He often forgot this world had magick in it.

"Thank you," he said, still staring at it, trying to see if there were going to be any marks left. He could tell a little where it had been because his fur around the wound was slightly shorter than the rest. But it wasn't easy to tell.

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