Chapter Two

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Mabel checked her phone anxiously. (Y/N) had texted her about ten minutes ago that she was going to be arriving at their place pretty soon. Dipper looked over at his sister and he rolled his eyes. "Checking the window every four seconds like a psycho is not going to make her arrive here faster," he said, putting down his journal. Mabel grinned, "Well duh, silly but I want to make sure I give her a warm welcome when she comes," she said. Dipper and Mabel still lived in their Grunkle's house while he and Ford were off sailing. Dipper and Mabel both had summer jobs to help pay for the electricity. Soos and Melody were kind enough to allow for them to stay there. Melody was pregnant and having a crying baby near a tourist attraction was not the smartest marketing move. Mabel watched the window much like a puppy waiting for its owner. Finally, the doorbell rang and Mabel near knocked over the table as she rushed to get the door. "I've got it" she called out before opening the door."Mabel!" (Y/N) beamed as she hugged the female was quickly hugged back."(Y/N) it's so good to see you I've missed you," she exclaimed, hugging her tighter. (Y/N) nodded, pulling back as she walked her luggage inside, shutting the door. "Thanks for letting me stay Mabel I know we haven't talked since our Junior year after I moved," she said. Mabel shook her head, "don't be silly I'm so pumped to have you here," she said.

(Y/N) smiled and motioned to her luggage "I've brought all my luggage is there somewhere you want me to put it?"she asked. Mabel nodded, "yeah, totally I'll have Dipper help you out," she said. Mabel walked back into the kitchen "Dipper come help with (Y/N) 's bags," she ordered, walking back into the doorway where (Y/N) was. Dipper followed behind and waved to (Y/N) "What's up (Y/N)?" he asked her, taking a couple of bags. She smiled, "not much Dipper, thanks for letting me stay with you guys," she smiled. He nodded, "No problem, I think it'll be good for Mabel to have another female in the house anyway," he laughed, but his eyes were deadly serious. (Y/N) followed DIpper up the stairs with her remaining bags. Dipper set them down in front of the door. "You'll sleep with Mabel if that's cool, okay?" he told her. She smiled, nodding her head, "That's perfect, thanks, Dipper," she said. He nodded, and Mabel came upstairs "It's going to be great we can stay up late and talk about boys and stuff." she mused. (Y/N) chuckled and nodded, "Yeah okay, sure," she said. "Or if you want, Mabel and I were going to go exploring in the woods you're free to join us" Dipper chimed in. (Y/N) nodded, "yeah that sounds sweet," she said, her smile widening. He nodded, "great I was about to head out now," he said as he went downstairs. (Y/N) and Mabel followed behind. Summer had just begun.

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