Mason nods his head and glances off to the side, but not before I notice a new darkness entering Mason's eyes. I catch Skylar's worried frown she too saw the same darkness. This is not good at at all. Not only now do I need to keep a close watch on Ryder, but also now Mason. The guys over the years have shared bits and pieces with me about what happened and how each of them dealt with everything.

Ryder turned to drugs and Mason was a utter mess. Mason for the most part shut everyone out and kept to himself. To this day he has moments he wants to be left alone. Tray seems to be the only one who is able to draw him out when he gets into one of those funks. Sometimes I feel as though Mason sometimes is only acting and he too is living a lie.

I know each of the come with their own darkness. But Mason and Ryder have always been the ones I worry about the most. Lucan tends to keep his issues to himself and Tray will explode with he can't deal anymore. Not Ryder and Mason they keep their cards close to themselves. I no long worry about Dimitri now because he has Skylar and those too keep very litter from each other.

I can only speculate how these turn of events are going to cause waves for Steel Wolf. And to think they are only pondering the idea he might get out. I'm fearful of how they are going to be if Paul ends up being released. I start to make of list of what I might need to do as their manger to prevent Steel Wolf from crumbling if Paul is ever released. In my head I make a note to add my thoughts to the list of worries I need to speak to Skylar about. Not only based on work, but also out of concern for our makeshift family. Better to be ahead then behind.

Mason shoves his hands into his pockets. "Okay." He turns his blank eyes to Ryder. "Promise to keep me updated on anything new you learn."

"Of course." Ryder assures him.

Mason steps around the table and slumps into his seat surprising me he is actually staying, but I'm thrilled his. Ryder also returns to his seat.

My phone buzzes with a text I glance down to see Tray had texted me.

I'll keep my eye on Mason. He won't be alone tonight no matter how much he fights me on it. And while on tour I'll play babysitter. Especially since you're going to have your hands full with Ryder. Please keep him from slipping.

As long as he stops shutting me out I will, but you know how he is when he shuts people out. And thank you for the help with Mason.

Don't let Ryder shut you out. Continue to beat at the wall he is trying to build. Eventually the wall with give. He can only shut you out for so lone. I'd do just about anything for my brothers. Except butt stuff I won't do butt stuff.

A small laugh escapes, over Tray's last sentence, which I cover with a cough realizing the current atmosphere does to warrant laughter. I catch a slight smile on Tray's lips before he hides himself by taking a drink of his water.

"Just because Mason steered the conversation from the original course don't mean I've forgotten Ryder." Lucan scolds him.

Out of the corner of my eyes I notice Grandma Rose approach us, but halts when I catch her eyes. I shake my head asking her to return later. Her concerned eyes tell me she understands and she sneaks away.

"So what I've started smoking again," Ryder snaps getting defensive. "Not like smoking is a crime."

"You're right Ryder smoking isn't a crime," Lucan expresses gently. "But because of your history we can't help, but be worried."

"Exactly," Dimitri agrees. At Ryder's glare he adds. "Neither of us is saying you smoking is going to cause you to retravel the path from your past, but this was how you started last time. And none of us want that outcome for you."

My Client the Rockstar (Book 2 Steel Wolf Collection)Where stories live. Discover now