"Did Mattia talk to you about the grave?" He asked.

"Yeah, I would like to have that if it would be fine," I answered, still trying my best to fight the sleep.

"Ok, just wanted to make sure before I have people start to work on it," He said as he stood up, I grabbed his hand before he could go anywhere as I scooted over in my bed. He got the hint and got into my bed, he put his arm around me as I buried my head in his chest.

"Leo?" I whispered.


"Are Hunter, Chase, and Brea still out there?" I asked him, finding myself grabbing onto him a little bit tighter, although I don't know if he noticed.

"They are being delt with," He answered, slight pride lacing his voice.

"What about Adrian?" I asked.

"Bella stop worrying your little head about these things, you're to young, i'll handle it," He answered. I took his word, knowing this was Leo and he had never lied to me, yes he had hid things from me but never lied. Which was very frustrating about him, because he either wouldn't tell you or come up front about it.

"What about Alessandro, did he make it?" I asked, I never forgot about him, how could I?

"He didn't make it but before he died he would always tell me how strong you were. We are planning a funeral for him," He whispered.



I stared at the grave that was made for my mother, they had finally finished it while I anxiously watched. It was beautiful it was a white color with black writing, flowers were planted all around it. I was finally starting to feel better, I no longer had to use the crunches but still had a brace on my leg, and will need it of for a little while more.

My shoulder is almost completely healed, it only hurts if I move it a certain way, im going to physical therapy for both those injuries. My thigh is feeling fine just hurting ever once and a while.

beloved wife, and mother, was printed on it, I tilted my head looking at it as tears started streaming down my face. I walked over to it taking a seat in front as I looked at the beautiful flowers all around it. Everything was silent, it was like every creature in earshot stoped what they were doing in this moment, like the waves stoped moving proving no noice.

"Hey mom," I started off as I gave off a small smile, "I really miss you."

"A lot has happened scenes I saw you, I moved in with my brothers. I wish you would have told me about them but its ok I forgive you. I get alone with them pretty well, Mattia is a lot like you he is really sweet and caring and worrying about everyone else."

"Leo has your work ethic, he is always working and getting stuff done, Matteo is kinda quiet, just like you. Remember the time when Josh dragged us to that one work event? We just stood in the corner the entire time to scared to go up to anyone," I chuckled at the thought.

"Riccardo has your humor he is always trying to make a joke, which some aren't very funny but I'll never tell him that, Enzo is also really sweet, I think he's the most like me. Aundre is like a mix of all of them, he is sweet, funny, and shy." I paused to wipe a stray tear away from my face.

"The maid her reminds me of you, she is really kind and gives the best hugs. Whenever I go by the water it always reminds me of you, like the time we tired to go surfing and you just ended up falling off. I'm really sorry for everything that has happened to you, which I really don't like thinking about but you can't just avoid everything."

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