Chapter 29 - Notes

Começar do início

“Chief Lyle that is not what happened at all. You aren’t messing with amateurs here. They’ve been in the game longer than you think. Even if I destroyed the chances of you guys getting them earlier, which I did not, you’re lucky they are still around because you guys would have been in trouble,” she began, “-creating Drag-Ex and releasing it to the public. About a dozen killed already. Plus you are working with them to take care of Victor and allowing them to run the streets? Sir, I’m afraid you’ve already made a deal with the devil and you signed your name with your very own blood.”

“As you are about to find out tonight, they don’t take betrayal kindly and I’m here to make sure that you are keeping your end of the deal,”

“Don just keeps on running. That’s real sneaky but I have to admit he knows how to evade for as long as he can,” Ivan said.

‘I don’t know about you guys but I’m down for a trip to New Mexico to pay this ninja turtle a visit,” London laughed and Kash agreed. 

Carol Anne and the chief walked back inside and everyone looked at them, “Let’s start. All weapons at the door,” Carol Anne told them. 

Everyone handed their guns in, even the officers and the pulled a couple of chairs together, sitting in a way in which they could all see each other. 

“Does everyone promise to tell the truth and the whole truth?” Cammie asked, “That means saying everything that happened whether it became worse or aided in something else. Just speak openly and honestly.”

“The only thing that I am guilty of and it’s actually not my fault,” Ivan began, “-is indirectly getting Kash thrown in prison. I told one of the Blue Zeros, didn’t know he had a vengeful sister and-well you know.”

“I didn’t even know about that. When was this?” Travis asked. 

“When I just got out,” Kash answered, “-but it was Cammie who told me.”

“Because Donatello told me. He found it out and I guess it’s to tell now that he wanted to separate us all,” Cammie added and sat back.

“Everything seems to come back to Donatello,” Jason noticed.

“It sure does-“


“Why do you always have to go?” Riley asked as Valentina stared Kash down.

“I just have some business to take care of,” Kash said, he hasn’t been doing much talking so his voice was raspy and low.

Riley sighed and looked at her father again, “Okay, well be good,” she smiled at him and Kash managed to smile.

“You too. Don’t bother Rubin,” he told her as he looked at Rubin watching the television. He could barely look at him.

Camron gave Kash a hug, “The house is okay?” he asked.

DISCONTINUED Ultra Secrets (The Understanding  SEQUEL)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora