42. i hope you don't mind

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w// homophobia/manipulation??? idk




"i dont see her car, i think i should be good." you examined your area, making sure it was safe for you to go outside

"alright, be safe. and hurry up incase she comes."

"i'll be 5 minutes max." you said while opening your car door. you got out of mikasa's car and walked up to your front door to head inside your house. you needed to pack few things for vacation in a few days.

you assumed your mom was at work since there was clearly no car outside. which was fine by you, you weren't trying to see her especially now that you got your girlfriend's name tattooed on you.

your girlfriend's car was parked outside your house and you were also wearing your girlfriend's top aswell, explaining this to your mom would not be fun.

walking into the house, so far you were safe. you continued into the house and to your room to pack more clothes for your hawaii trip. your brown cat was sleeping peacefully on your neatly made bed. you made sure to keep quiet to make sure you didn't wake him.

after 5 minutes of gathering a few more things you kissed your cat goodbye and left your room. walking out in to the main area of the house with the living room/ kitchen you froze.

why is she here

"hey honey." your mom said, she was making a sandwich in the kitchen

"hi." you said "why isnt your car outside?"

"it's at the repair shop, i took an uber home. how has mikasa's house been?"

"...good. i just came to grab a few things for our trip." you slowly hid your arm behind yourself, your anxiety started to rise. "well i should head ou-."

"what's behind you?" your mom put down her butter knife and inched close to you, taking notice of your uncomfortable demeanor.


you blinked nervously as your chest violently rose and fell. "w-what?"

"what's behind you? why'd you put your arm behind you?" she asked calmly. you opened your mouth to form an answer but no words could form. she grew slightly agitated that you couldn't answer, before you could move she grabbed your arm and saw the tattoo.

"what is this?" she asked, holding your arm tightly

"mom let go, you're hurting me." you said shakily

"answer me! what the fuck is this-." she was visibly angry seeing mikasa's name permanently stain your wrist.

"it's nothing, now let me go!" you tried to pull away, blinking back tears of fear.

'she's been gone for more than 5 minutes' mikasa looked at the time on her phone 'maybe she went to take a shower or something idk'

"then why are you trying to leave if it's nothing? why is mikasa's name tattooed on you?" she interrogated, eyeing you down. you bit your lip, trying to look at something other than her because you wanted this to be over.

FREAKS (mikasa)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora