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11:20 PM

a few hours on the dance floor wore you and a bunch of people out so you guys headed back up stairs to chill

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a few hours on the dance floor wore you and a bunch of people out so you guys headed back up stairs to chill. jean, ymir, and eren invited you and mikasa to come over to the pool table and play with them.


you didn't know too much about pool so you sat and watched. you, lyssa, and historia would be the supportive girlfriends who watched. a few other people stood behind you 3 and watched.

mikasa was up against jean, and ymir would go up against eren. eren and jean would be one team and same with mikasa and ymir, if that makes sense.

"just a heads up we're doing cutthroat pool, so y'all should know what to do from here." eren let everyone know.

the goal of the game was simpler compared to the other versions of pool, the opponents just had to pocket as many of the other team's balls. if the other team got all their balls then they'd lose.

the teams established other rules and claimed what balls were theirs they were almost ready to get started.

"we need some kind of prize!" ymir said

"the loser owes the winner $100." someone from the crowd said

"that's fair, 50 bucks from each other the losers. the winners can spilt the 100." mikasa nodded

"cheap asses." eren joked under his breath, earning a laugh from his partner

"should we make team names?" ymir questioned

"team hotties!" mikasa said, the crowd cheered, clearly liking that name

"team break her back!" jean said, eren dapped him up.


"so...what you wanna do?" jean teased, asking ymir and mikasa who wanted to go first.

"y/n, hold my drink." mikasa said confidently, you took her cup excitedly. "woooooaahhh." crowd got excited, starting record and hype up mikasa.

"bold move going first." jean set his glass of beer on the table next to him

"i know what i'm doing, kirstein." mikasa told him, she took the stick, grabbed a small broken up piece of blue chalk and chalked the tip of the cue/stick.

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