22. i cant handle change

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walking into your busy school, you were still half asleep and exhausted from your weekend with your friends.

your first class wasn't even a class, all the seniors in the 104th class had to report to the guidance office. each student's name would be called on the speaker to report to Dr. Nanaba for 5 mins max to explain their plans for after graduation. this was to prevent confusion in their future.

failed abortions

eren removed armin from the conversation

where are you guys

music room




"the ouran highschool host club welcomes you." sasha opened the door for you with a bow.

"thanks sash." you giggled coming into to see your friends sitting around and goofing off on the different instruments.

"yo this some shit out of lemonade mouth." connie said sitting at the drum set. jean joined him at the drums and they started talking about something random.

you spotted mikasa at the piano playing something familiar. you set down your crossbody and sat next to her on the bench.

"hey." you said softly, a smile came across her face.

"whatcha playing?"

"clocks." she said playing the instrumental.

"oh my gosh, i miss that song."

"same, coldplay is timeless i swear."

you envied your talented friend. what couldn't she do, but her many gifts made her that much more attractive to you. you watched her pale hands gracefully hit each key perfectly while humming the lyrics.

"wait here's the best part." she said mid-playing

"And nothing else compares." she played your favorite part of the song. all eyes were on her in the room until she finished the song.

"ughhh, i wish i was good at something" sasha said feeling bad after mikasa graced you all with her piano fingering skills.

"too bad you're not." connie said before hitting the 'ba doom ting' on the drum set. jean laughed and dapped him up.

"shutup that's why you're ugly."

"clearly not, i currently have 2 girlfriends thank you very much."

"that's not the flex you think it is bud." eren gave him the '😐' face.

"question, are we not friends with armin anymore?" you asked everyone

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