Thank you!

15.1K 183 27

Hey, guys. It's been a year since I first joined Wattpad, so technically, it's Choco_Bananas' first birthday! 

*Party ballons and confetti*

Anyways, I just wanted to say thank you for your incredible support. I recently hit 110 followers, and even if you're not following, I love all of you! Evertime I read a comment, it makes me smile or burst into laughter like a retarded hyena, so thank you for making my mom think I'm crazy!

As a sort of challenge/gift, I want you to either write a one-shot shipping me with another character, or recommend a really strange one-shot for me to read with one of my friends!

It's going to be funny, trust me.

I'll upload the video/recording on YouTube and put it in the external link! 

Again, thank you.

And goodbye.

And today's draw Phil naked is-

Wait, that's copyright. Nevermind.

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