Chapter 42

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The main room was filled with friends and family.

"Can I please have everyone's attention." Henry said as he clanged his glass of champagne with a fork.

"As you guys know, i'm deeply in love with the women who's right beside me." He motioned to Bryanna who's arm was wrapped around his, as her eyes lingered back and forth to Steve making sudden eye contact.

"So in love, that last week in Paris I proposed to her." Everyone gasped and gush at his words. "We're getting married!" Bryanna said holding her left hand out, as the sparkly ring shined. The main room was filled with congratulations and cheers at the announcement.

Steve couldn't help but to have a frown on his face, seeing how she was happy with someone else.

Bryanna felt a sudden trap between two people, Bucky and Natasha. Squeezing her tight. "Oh my god! Congratulations Bry." Natasha scram, picking up Bryanna's left hand admiring the ring.

"Congratulations Breezy, you deserve all the happiness in the world." Bucky said smiling. "Thank you guys." She gushed in excitement.

"What's he doing here? I mean I don't have a problem with him but ya know..." Natasha said pointing her head over to Steve. "Nat.." Bucky scolded her.

"What?" She shrugged. "It's okay Buck, I honestly don't know. It's weird to think how him and Henry are still friends." She shook her head.

"Yeah that is weird." Natasha responded with a puzzled face.

"Bry." She heard a British voice, it was Vision.

"Congratulations dear!" He shouted as his hands looked through her, bringing her into a hug. "Thank you Vis."

Breaking up from the hug, she seen Wanda smiling. "Congrats honey, I cant tell you how happy it makes me seeing you happy." She said pulling her into a hug.

"Thank you Wands." She told her, being careful not to hug her to tight keeping in mind about the baby that was growing inside of her. 

"Is baby Scarlet making you tired?" Natasha responded in a chuckle. "Oh god yes, I swear to god I feel nauseous and moody every ten minutes." Wanda responded. "Not to mention she makes me feel like a whale." The four laughed, as they all earned a serious head tilt from Wanda.

"Darling." Henry shouted making his fiancé walk towards him, planting a kiss on his cheek. She didn't even notice who was right behind him. "I just wrapped up a new deal with Steve." He said smiling. She tried her best to maintain contact on only Henry.

"Congrats love." She said bringing him into a kiss, she could literally feel Steve's fuming energy hitting her right in the face. "So how did you propose?" Vision asked as they all walked there way to the engaged couple.

"Well I took her to Paris as a little getaway and as a celebration of her accomplishments." He said smiling down at her. "So I thought to myself, why don't I just propose to her in Paris? I mean it was a special week for her, so why not make it memorable."

Cute gasps circulated the room, as Steve just rolled his eyes and looked down at his champagne. Nobody caught it, but Bryanna did.

"I had reserved the Eiffel tower just for the ocassion, hiring a jazz group and some assistants to decorate the building in roses and a fancy dinner. Her eyes were closed and she was so scared she begged me not to push her off the building." He let out a laugh as did the guests.

Bryanna rolled her eyes, pushing Henry gently. "Once the jazz music started to play I got down on one knee and told her to open her eyes, she gasped at the view of me proposing. And that's when I let put my little speech and asked her to marry me."

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