Chapter 59

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TW/ Suicidal thoughts and Alcohol use.

Please remember that you are worth so much and more, you have a place in the world.

YOU matter.

If you ever, and I mean EVER need someone to talk to, my inbox is always open for you all. I love you guys!

National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 800-273-8255
5 years ago.
New York.

Steve filled his glass with Scotch once again. The scariest thing to him is when he realized how addicted he was to something. Wether it was alcohol, or drug use. He came to realization he was addicted when he said to himself 'this is my last drink' or 'this is my last pill'.

But he couldn't stop, he couldn't just simply stop because this addiction was an obsession, something that took over his mind and thought. Just the way Bryanna did.

Ever since the breakup, Steve had been left distraught. He hit a new point in his life where he was just done, physically and mentally. Where his whole world went grey not having the only women he loved by his side.

He cried, he fought the pain, he tried, but everything came crashing down. His demons were screaming louder, trying to eat away the rest of him. It was times like these when he realized why he locked away his emotions, because once their set free, he falls hard.

He ends up falling with no one their to catch him, so he crashes into the pavement, broken and alone." He stared at the Xanax bottle that laid in front of him, tears flushing down his face as his eyes gushed red.

Grabbing the bottle and his glass drink, he made his way upstairs. Making his way into his room, he opened the door to his master bathroom. Turning the knob of the faucet, cold water filled the marbled sink. Splashing the water on his face, he rubbed his eyes before looking at himself in the mirror.

Looking at how much of a mess he was in. Dark eye bags under his eyes, his stubble of the beard coming back after shaving it off. His eyes that screamed hot red, from the pain and tears he had in him.

Making his way back to the room, he plotted down on his bed. Opening the bottle, he poured a couple of Xanax pills into his hand.

Gracefully staring at them, his eyes began to water. He had swallowed down the dry choking sobs which had been heaving up from his heart, not even caring, he sobbed, sobbed so hard to where his cries echoed throughout his whole home.

Throwing the Xanax he had to the floor, harshly, he had done the same with the bottle breaking it into two. Plotting up from his bed he broke everything and anything near, smashing vases worth up to ten thousand dollars, ripping the duvets of his bed like he was the Hulk.

Making his way to the dress her slid everything down that laid on top with his hands. Coming down on his knees, he cried, tear drops falling down to the floor. Doing a double take, he seen his keys on the floor.

Picking them up, he dangled them on his finger. Bringing them closer, he seen the keychain that lied in between the keys. Realizing it was the one Bryanna gifted him.

Exhaling a sharp breathe, he seen the picture of the two kissing. "I won't let you go." He whispered in between his sobs.

"Not without a fight."
La Canción- Bad Bunny

The only time you should ever look back is, to see how far you have come.

A month had passed from the big hoorah, Steve's and Bryanna's wedding day.

This was like a tale of two hearts, a tale of two love birds deeply in love with each other. Their love was filled with passion, obsession, he couldn't live without her just as she couldn't live without him.

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