Chapter 36

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"Wake up." Rumlow shouted, giving Bryanna another slap to the face.

Her eyes fluttered open at the pain, shutting back down. Wanting to feel numb.

Rumlow had enough with her, he found he girl fucking irritating. Grabbing a metal baseball bat, he hit her right in her side, a loud crack came from his action. Bringing him joy to the sound knowing he broke her rib.

Her eyes widened with pain, trying to breath with the little to no air she had in her lungs.

Wallowing her pain, she took a minute to scan the room around. Seeing she was at some sort of warehouse. Dirty cracked cement paved the floor, grafetti and washed up walls surfacing near. Only three lights where working from the top of the ceiling.

Her head tilting to the side, groaning at the pain. Not only was she feeling the pain from her rib, but from the gun shot that landed on her hip. Her pants were nearly soaked in blood. Rumlow covering it up with a dirty rag,
tightening it around her waist not wanting her to die, not yet at least.

She shivered as her laced tank top was barely covering herself, her cardigan thrown on the floor. A part of her would've been traumatized, but the pain wasn't even letting her process what was going on.

"Where am I?" She asked, gulping up a wad of bloody saliva, spitting it out.

"Your little boyfriends old work place, an abandon HYDRA warehouse." He stated. He pulled a metal chair and sat in front of her, seeing how red her face was from the slaps he'd gave her. Cuts and bruises started to form on her pretty little face.

"W-what do you want?" She panted. "To destroy your pathetic boy toy." He scram. "You see my face? Yeah, he did that. He left me to burn on a mission." He scrambled. "They thought I was dead, little did they know I survived. Once I got back on my feet HYDRA fell out of business thanks to him."

His words didn't faze Bryanna, knowing damn well he deserved to rot in hell. Tears still streaming down her face, she felt numb.

"What does that have to do with me?" She asked. "Oh dear, you're his most prized possession. Killing you would most definitely take a toll on him." He stated simply. "I've waited a while for this."

"I bet you have." She groaned.

Rumlow chuckled at her attitude, getting up from the seat kicking it away. "I can't wait till I see him watch you die, slowly and painfully. I want him to hurt just how I did."

"This isn't because he left you behind." She whispered. "It's more than that, because you would have Natasha here too."

"You're right, it's not. My problem was never with his pal Bucky, although he was a sack of shit too, but it was always with him. Steve. I lived in his stupid shadows the day he joined. Nobody gave a shit that he left me behind, when I found out where Pierce was hiding I tried to get HYDRA back together, wanna know what he told me?" He groaned.

"There's not point if we don't have Steve, because i'll never be as strong as he was." He stated. "Sure it was the duo him and Bucky, but Steve was dark. And thats what they liked about him."

"How'd you even find us?" She asked. "Some fancy man came looking for me. When he had no luck with Pierce he was in search through New York to find me. His name was Lucas, Lilo.." Rumlow then started to snap his fingers. "Loki." She mumbled in shock.

"Ahh! There ya go, Loki. Anyways he asked for any information I can get from his past, in return I told him to give me everything he knew about Steve. I dug out all news papers I kept of Bucky and Steve, tricky part was getting the gear. But one bullet to the head at Pierce doesn't hurt anybody." He joked.

"Once I had everything ready, I dropped it off at his home. The same day I attacked you at that stupid bookstore."

He fingers got near her hair, stroking the tangled strands. Before bopping her head to the side. She shivered in disgust, his touch made her nauseous. A whimper came out of her lips, so did a tear.

"Why the fuck do you always cry, you're such a pathetic little bitch." He said pulling out a butterfly knife from his pocket, pressing the tip of the blade to her cheek.

"I love having you this way, a disgusting mess." He breezed, staring at Bryanna. Putting the knife away he balled his fist up with the brass knuckle, punching her right on her crisp jawline. Head tilting back at the action, she felt her face numb. Loud waves crashing through her ears.

Bringing her head down she spat out another bloody wad of saliva to the floor. The sound of a car pulling up made the dizzy girl snap, knowing it was Steve.

A moment later, Steve came in sprinting. Still with his suit on from work. His face immediately fell at the condition Bryanna was in, the light of his life was hurt. Making his blood boil.

Seeing her in pain, her top filled with body filled with blood, staining her face, pants, and tank top. His heart ached seeing her hurt, darkness seeping all over his body.

"Good to see you." Rumlow spoke. "What the hell do you want." He growled.

"Oh don't play stupid, you know exactly what I want. To see you're empire fall." He spoke cocking his gun, pressing it against Bryanna's head. "Starting with her."

Once he pointed his gun towards her head, Steve didn't hesitate on reaching to his back for his pistol. "Steve.." She whimpered with tears rushing down her face.

"It's okay sweetheart, you're going to be okay." He reassured her, nodding his head.

"Even if you shoot me, i'll still shoot her and who knows if you'll even aim right." Rumlow spat out chuckling, but what Steve was really doing was stalling. Waiting for help to come.

Sure enough, three policemen came from the back silently, aiming there guns high shooting Rumlow. His clothes ripping as blood splattered out of him, leaving him to fall on the floor.

Steve paced his way to her, untying her from the ropes that left marks on her wrist and ankles. She was gushing blood, barely conscious at the sight. Taking off his tie, he put even more pressure to the wound on her hip.

The sight of seeing cuts and bruises on her face made him hate himself. Paramedics then rushed in, Steve still holding her with his arms. Lifting her from Steve's body, two cops came from behind. Cuffing him.

Hurting and in pain, she still fought words from her mouth seeing the cops take him away. "W-what are you guys doing? He's innocent!" She scram, coughing up blood.

"It's just for questioning, it'll be okay." The medic told her as they wheeled her outside, snow falling on her face as it melted away.

Closing her eyes, feeling no pain at all.

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