Chapter 51

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The Night We Met- Lord Huron
Married Life- Michael Giacchino

June 13th, 2018: New York

Seven in the morning felt like nothing to Bryanna, she was up and at it in her kitchen making slutty brownies for Steve's birthday to suprise him at his home. It was Saturday, the beam of sunlight shining through the skies, hitting exactly on the beat up windows from Bryanna's apartment. Making it feel even cozier.

Once the slutty brownies were done, she pulled them out of the oven and filled a clear decorating bag with white icing and wrote 'Happy Birthday Steve' on top of the brownies, adding little hearts at the end.

Wearing a sexy pink knitted mini dress,
she slid into her white flats, grabbed her purse with the brownies covered with foil on top in her hand and made her way out to fetch a cab.

Giving the driver Steve's address, they sped through New York traffic.

Finally arriving, she got off and made her way inside to the lovely luxurious home. Making her way inside with the key Steve gave her, she made her way upstairs knowing Steve would still be asleep.

Before heading to his room, she stopped at the decorated table that was place by the stairs and unwrapped the brownies. Pulling out a few candles from her purse and a lighter, she stuck them neatly on the fluff of the dough and lit them up, slowly walking towards Steve's room.

'Happy birthday to you.'

'Happy birthday to you.'

She started angelically, catching Steve's attention as he opened his eyes. Slowly turning to his right side to face her. There he seen her holding a clear glass container with both hands, as candles sparked from on top.

"Happy birthday to Steve, Happy birthday to you." She smiled as she finally reached him, crouching down to him leaning the brownies towards him. "Make a wish." She cooed.

"It already came true." He said, flashing her a smile before he blew on the candles.

Sitting the brownies on the nightstand, she sat on the side of the bed with Steve. "Happy birthday handsome." She smiled, leaning in to plant a kiss on his cheek.

"Thank you sweetheart." He said. "Did you bake that?"

"Yup." She giggled. Getting up from the bed, he crouched over to get the slutty brownies, finding them already cut into pieces. "These look heavenly." Steve said as he grabbed one from the container. "I hope you like them." Bryanna cooed.

Shoving a bite into his mouth, Steve's eyes rolled back. He felt like his mouth was having an orgasm from the combination of the brownie mix and cookie dough. "Honey these are amazing." He hyped up.

"Thank you." She smiled. "So what are we doing today?" She asked.

"I was thinking just go out to dinner, you and me." Steve replied. "I want to be with you and only you."

Not questioning him on his decision, all she did was smile and nod. Knowing she'd still be able to offer him a good time, with her lips and pussy.

"I have something for you." She said. Digging into her purse, she pulled out a box. "One of your birthday presents." She smiled.

"Doll you didn't have to." He scolded her, getting a rolling eyes reaction from Bryanna. "But I wanted to." She fought back. "It was hard to find something for you since you basically own everything, it's not much but I hope you like it."

Steve smiled, placing a kiss on her forehead. "Sweetheart anything you get me I will always love." Opening the box, he found a keychain attached to a small butterfly charm, with a photo of the two kissing on one side, and on the other side held a hand written note saying: 'You are a part of me I will always need, I love you.'

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