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i love you people so much for reading this book! it crossed 5K + reads already and i'm on my verge of dancing. even though I know it's not too much compared to other authors around here but yet it's more than just 'ok' for me, on my first book! xoxo

I guess hiding something isn't that difficult. It's kinda easy when it comes to hide from someone  who doesn't care at all or maybe someone who can never think twice that you can probably hide anything from them.

Anyway, it is good to not always be an open book.

But you get a twisted path in this case when it comes to your friends, "best friends"  I should quote. And if they are step - siblings and you're great friends for years now, I seriously need to talk to you.

And above all if they are none other than Jack and Carter themselves, congratulations you're doing an amazing work on hiding things. Well, because you simply can't!

I won't blame them for being this way, it's just two people that I trust so much. We never hide anything from eachother, some way or the other it just comes out. And after we share those minute things, I don't think we ever regret that.

Except the diaries or notebooks that I write in, they're almost aware of every sneaky things happening around me. We three have shoulders for eachother to shed our tears on and I can't be more blessed in this life.

Now, to be honest, they used to also read my writings from my drafts, notebook, diaries but recently I'm just taking it away. I write about my surroundings a lot and many other topics but nowadays it's been a bit complicated lines and sketches.

I won't say I'm embarrassed to show those to them, it's just I don't want to, now. Maybe some other time if I think to show them, then I will.

It's been a while now, that I'm explaining them the entire incident that lead me having a hickey on my neck. Each and every detail sliced there jaw and threw it in the apartment of Harry's.

Talking of Harry, I just want to slap him so tight that he'll remember till the day he gets buried in the graveyard. Everytime I think there's nothing he can do anymore, he lands up with something new and for god's sake I feel like slicing off his sinful lips sometimes.

I didn't explain the situation in a continuous detail. It was their questions that I answered and nothing beyond. Although the questions were clever enough but couldn't take the extreme depth of anything.

Just like, I said that Harry got into the car with my bra, but kissed, nope. Basically they asked if we kissed today so it's a no and they dropped it there and, hold it I'm not that stupid to continue.

I'm done answering there every question and I let out sigh. Their heads are now on their lap trying to comprehend everything. They even glance at each other, murmuring out words in a whisper which gets me to not hear a thing from a distance of them sitting on the other end of the sofa and me on a chair on the other.

I can't understand what is more amusing to them to go deep in thoughts. Is it that I've been getting encountered frequently with Harry, none of the encounters being my choice though. Or is it that he took me to the appartment of his. Or maybe is it the hickey on my neck. Or perhaps the entire Harry Styles thing.

The weird part in here is that, although I said that we share everything with eachother, but here I wasn't completely honest. I didn't mention the fact that Harry and the other four whom I met today, kills innocent people. Well they may not be completely innocent, but that doesn't take back the fact that they kill people!!

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