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"Are you even listening?" Jack bangs the table, drawing my attention to the mid-way conversation which I barely remember what it was.

The entire time I had my attention traveling back to the night, that has almost passed two weeks or more now.

I saw that evil-ish shine in his eyes that day, I never saw in anyone's ever before. He's kinda mannerless and sticking to ego type person but the words that escaped from his mouth only let mine gape. He let me feel so insulted to myself.

He must be kissing around too many girls that are even hard to count, I guess. But I didn't want to be one of them. I didn't want to be the desperate girl who can be seduced for anything.

And the worst part in total is that I actually fell for that. I kissed him back, and this makes me feel as if I would have let that happen if it was any other. Then he straight away declined that it ever happened.


I sound so pathetic!

I clearly don't know why, but since that long day, I think about it everyday once in a while. I feel like slapping myself now.

Then the woman, Evie Reed, I guess she said her name was, came from nowhere and landed up to be a known past of Harry.

I don't care about either of them but he actually threatened to kill me if I hadn't left soon whilst they were having "nostalgic conversation", exactly after he ordered over the phone to kill someone.

He's ruthless and evil.

He kills people, he's a murderer.

Then also, he let a house on fire without any remorse that the people inside it might have died. As much as I think, he probably wanted that. The guys in there may be the one's who tried to molest me on the road itself, but what with him?

Did he fire the house because they failed in whatever they tried to do to me? Which means, were they his men? He hates me so much then, more than I do.

These thoughts took out my so I had to gasp loudly to have some air filling my empty lungs.

"I'm so sorry... Repeat" I shake my head whilst biting on my chocolate biscuit.

"Ahhh..." Jack whines. "Do you wanna attend the party tonight at Marissa's?" He repeats the question which I heard over earlier.


Hey it sounds cool.

It's been a while now that I've been to any parties or hangouts. And the parties that Marissa throws are normally massive and at the end everyone gets wasted. I always try and manage myself just to fall on the track to do babysitting of Jack and Carter.

I can hardly recall the last time but I remember Jack calling Marissa's sister 'grandma'. The day still brings funny thoughts on which I end up laughing. Anyone would, imagine Jack calling you 'grandma' that also in a party.

"Ash! Are you coming?" Carter shouts with furrowed eyebrows glaring at me for taking so much time to answer a simple question.

"Oh yeah, I will" I nod and still keep giggling on my own at the last party I went to.

"May you share the reason behind your laughter, huh?" Jack rolls his, bringing up the bottle to his lips to drink water.

"Remember 'grandma' from last time" I laugh out loud. This sounds even funnier when said out loud than having the thoughts inside.

"Jack!" Carter shouts as Jack spat the water out of his mouth on her, sooner did the words left my mouth.

Everyone on the table turned to look at us. The room was on pin drop silence, I bet you can even hear the clock ticking it's time. I turn my face to my left and right to see that all of them in the canteen had their eyes on us. Their stares made it hard for me to keep my laughter handled in me. Losing the control I burst into laughter.

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