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"Did you bring broccoli?" My mother asks as I keep the groceries on the table.

"Everything is in there" I say in a melancholy tone.

"Why are you late by the way?" She asks.

Great, I was anyways waiting for this one. I gape my mouth to speak but choose against it and bite down on my lower lip.

"Is everything alright?" She asks, furrowing her brows.


I bought a bra, it fell off of my hand and someone, a.k.a. the one for whom I was admitted in the hospital, picked it up exposing the entire thing to the crowd.

I got embarrassed and straight away walked inside my car, he followed behind and got into the car without my permission. Then he was asking me on purpose whether I wanted back the bra or not for embarrassing me even further.

I got angry and spoke rubbish, utter nonsense. After the club night, that is after last night he thought Tyler to be my boyfriend and I don't know, but somehow I started explaining him my 'personal kissing' life.

Then when I asked him to maintain distance and to move out of the car, he bent forward and kissed me. Let's not forget that I kissed him back. We both seemed to enjoy it. I could have broken the kiss then and there but somewhat I liked it, I kinda needed more and didn't want to stop. I know how foolish and desperate I sound but I can't help, it is what it is.

But suddenly my phone rang, you were calling, interrupting our intimate encounter. I got annoyed because of you calling then, but I am thankful anyways before it went too far with the mannerless criminal.

Then he left the car without a word whilst I was speaking to you over the phone. I was left clueless, I am still indeed. When I was about to drive off my car, he bent over the window and informed me that he doesn't have any girlfriend.

".....There was a huge line, I got stuck there." I shook my head, lying about whatever actually happened.

It's nothing important or maybe it is but not for her, neither to me I need to suppose. I need to comprehend the situation myself first. I sweep the entire matter under the carpet.

She nods as if I am correct. Usually I get delayed because of this line in the counter but this time it wasn't. This time it was Mr. Harry Styles.

I then walk out of the kitchen and sit on the sofa, scrolling through my phone. Then Bryan comes down from his room here, switching on the telivision and sits beside me, he practically jumps on the sofa, making my entire body jerk. I scowl at and he pulls out a tongue. Maybe he came before I did from the store.

"Had a nice time at your place?" I ask him without looking at him.

"I didn't go today." He tells me. He was about to visit his parents today, again.

"Any problem?" I ask with concerned.

"Yeah, sort of, I had a project to complete at college with one of my friend but he had to leave soon for some work and I had to do it all by myself and ran out of both time and energy, I'll visit them tomorrow maybe" he clears the reason for him not being able to visit his parents.

I nod, mouthing an 'oh' and turning my face back on my phone. Then he changes the channel from MNX  to a news channel.

The reporter speaks in her RP accent :

"The house was burnt only two hours ago, leaving a boy inside who got his right leg injured and the ambulance is taking him to the hospital. There isn't any reason to why the house is burnt or not any evidence of who did it. The boy in his twenties, who was here before the house got burnt then he left but returned after getting the news, is helping the stokers to extinguish the remaining of the fire...."

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