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"So you smoke?" Niall asks me, with his left hand on the steering wheel and the other resting on his lap.

The car ride held a solid ten minutes silence which wasn't bad until he spoke. From the minute we sat in the car, none of us bothered to speak a word and I was beyond okay with it. And my parents never taught me how to bring up conversations with criminals, if they would have then I could bring up some topics to kill time. But let's not think of killing time, I don't wanna be the next one anyway.

First of all, the blonde guy sitting beside me is someone I just saw and now I'm trusting him to drop me home, safe. Not to mention that our first encounter had his jaw falling on the ground as when he entered Harry's room back in his appartment, I was smoking.

It wasn't long, I just took the first drag and he was standing in front of me. I don't know why, I think he speaks the most amongst the five deadly suitors. I didn't mean that he speaks too much or something like that way but more than the other four. It's just an assumption of few hours.

He also is a little different from them, he's irish whereas the other four are british, as per their accent are concerned. And unlike Harry, he didn't start commanding me at our first meeting and neither did he give any death threats. But what am I speaking of? I hardly just met him. He maybe killing me with a broad smile on his face.

My head is tilted on the black tinted window, observing the view outside. Even though I'm staring outside, I didn't catch any spot which would help me understand, whether I know this place or not. Probably not or else it wouldn't take so long to recognise the place.

"I do sometimes, yeah" I reply, escaping a sigh from my lips and folding my arms as close to me as possible.

He glances at me and a smirk appears on his face. I don't look at him at all, this is just what my peripheral vision is saying.

I slowly hood my eyes and the car jerks to a stop giving a sudden shake to my body, making me gasp. I open my eyes widely, taken aback from what just happened. It felt as if my heart jumped out. I widely open my eyes and look around me obliviously, trying to take in the surrounding.

The car was on motion but what was the sudden jerk about? I thought he just put the car on a break but he didn't, the vehicle ran smoothly. I sit up straight and look at Niall as he turns his head to me as if everything was just fine.

"What? Just crossed the red signal." He casually asserts with a shrug as if it's not a big deal.

I look through the window that are behind the seats of the car and see the other cars are blocked for the signal behind us but here we are driving without any interruption.

What if the police comes behind us? Breaking signals isn't a rule right?

"Don't worry, the cops won't follow us. They probably didn't even notice me crossing the signal" he answers the questions in my thoughts in a way as if he can hear my inner mind.

I huff followed by a sigh and lean back on the seat. The sudden jerk made me suffocate in the congested car. The car isn't small, it's quite big to be honest but something about it wasn't comfortable. With the feeling of having this blond devil beside me made the situation even worse.

He just crossed the signal in such a manner that could have made my death crawling towards me. I don't know about him but what will happen if the police comes behind me? He will drop me and leave the scene, obviously. And not even bother to turn and save me

I silently scoff at my own thinking. I feel so stupid for even thinking that the police will come after me. The car isn't mine and neither is the driver known to me. Above all the car windows are black tinted making only the riders get the view outside and not otherwise. And as he said, they probably didn't notice him drive away for how smooth he was.

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