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"I'm here to submit the absent note" I inform him. His eyes are on a register kinda thing.

"Yeah, your father informed us" he looks up from his work with a grinning face and takes off his specs. His welcoming nature is too warm. May our ex-principal rest in peace, but he was an asshole, to be honest.

He used to scold male and 'female' students until they dropped a tear. He was god damn strict. I can't help, I just can't accept it if I ain't wrong. Many will probably just agree that it is their mistake even if it is not. But I don't like the idea of that. So I had argued with him too because he was the wrong one and I clearly wasn't.

Not to mention that he was successful in bringing down my tears, but obviously I wouldn't cry in front of that asshole. He suspended me too. Suspending me was still fine, though it wasn't, but he did suspend Carter and Jack as well. They were innocent. Oh no they aren't. We aren't. Probably everyone knows us in the school. But in this suspension case they were. They had nothing to do with me arguing with the Principal.

"Take your seat, Miss Kyler" my thoughts gets interrupted.

What the hell was I thinking? I giggle to myself. The person is no more and I still can't help but hate him. He cheated with his wife at the age of 65!

His daughter was a student of this school, and he had always been so partial on everything. He slapped the most innocent boy on the school campus, as his daughter rumoured that the boy forced her for 'sex' and tried to rape her. The whole family is sick.

Being a Principal, he was mannerless. Just like Mr. Harry Styles. He's an asshole too. They should have had dinner together. Oh his bad, Mr. Anthony is no more.

But Harry is handsome and not old. My subconscious speaks.

So? He maybe handsome and all but god save the people always around him also his girlfriend. How can someone with such a cold personality and rude behaviour have a girlfriend? Maybe because of the minty fresh smell that emits from him. Or maybe because of his intimidating eyes.

"Did you here me?" Mr. Roberts ask, again bringing me out of my thoughts.

What's wrong with me? Once I am cursing the ex-principal, then linking him with Harry Styles, then cursing him too and then I end up in how beautiful he is! No matter what, I always end up thinking of him. I shook my head and try to listen to Mr. Jones.

"Erm no, could you repeat?" I admit.

"I asked you to sign here child" he points out the line on a paper where I need to sign. I do as he says, I sign on two more pages.

"Was the accident severe?" He asks with a sympathetic look, interlocking his fingers of either hand and placing under his chin whilst his elbows rests on the table.

"Somewhat, yeah" I tell him while placing the pen down and he takes back the pen and rests it on the pen stand and crosses his arms.

"How did it happen in the first place? You should be careful with your surroundings, shouldn't you?"

"Yeah... I... I know... I was just trying to help a man" I inform him.

"Oh, may I know how?" I pushes to know more about the accident.

"Okay... So I saw someone getting under the car and coming out minutes later when the driver or his companions weren't in the car..."

"Hmm" he nods with furrowed eyebrows.

"I didn't care at first but then a bad vibe continuously hit me, as a 'tik tik' sound came to my notice..." I continue.

"Oh" he says, deep in thoughts.

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