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I took out a random oversized sweatshirt and a black skinny jeans from my closet. Skinny jeans are my favourite and even sweatshirt, basically I prefer loose and comfortable as my top.

I dried my hair and brushed it to a high ponytail. Then applied some sun screen lotion and rubbed my lips with a lip gloss. I am not such a girly girl, I prefer to be tomboy over a girly girl.

I even sometime steal Bryan's, my cousin's, t-shirt when he's here with us. I have often snatched some away from him. He stays with us for now, as his University is nearer from our house and a solid two hour distance from his place. He makes some brief visits to his parents as well.

"I am going out" I inform Bryan as my parents were not home, out for work.

I need to inform someone atleast, before leaving. He just nods with his eyes on his phone. He didn't seem to be nodding for what I had said, maybe whatever is going on the screen of his phone made him nod.

"I am going out with Jack and Carter!" I almost shout out this time to make myself audible to him.

"Yeah, cool" he replies, dramatically widening his eyes. He is always ok with whatever I do. He kinda knows I wouldn't do anything wrong besides irritating him. Anyways, he is just the type of cousin everyone wants, I promise. We bond up pretty well.

He still doesn't look up from the game he's playing. He blows his brownish blond hair fallen on his forehead, making it difficult for him to concentrate on his game.

"You're 21 Bryan, make your surroundings known to you, except the little screen" I tell him.

"Stop being my mom now" he rolls his eyes giving a slight glance towards me.

"Gotta be her substitute, afterall" I shrug and fold my arms.

"I can very well see that" he scoffs.

"Oh shut up! My room was littered with napkins for your tears over your girlfriend. Remember?" I spit and he pulls his tongue at me and I do the same, scrunching my nose.

"Fuck her"

"Sure" I nod in agreement, chuckling and he laughs along with me too.

Soon I hear the wierd horning sound which obviously belongs to Jack. He has those wierd way of horning.

"He is annoying sometimes" Bryan states about Jack, rolling his eyes.

"Always indeed" I laugh as he leaves his bed, keeping the phone to get charged and joins me to close the door after I leave.

I take the key, hanging on the wall and rush out of the house to make Jack stop his annoying horning sound.

I sit on the back seat of Jack's car. I maintain my silence to make sure they know I ain't interested to go out, I was just playing a little game with them to ruffle their feathers. They spoilt my stay home planning for today and now it's my turn. We are never quite when we're together but this time the radio took over. Jack sang with the flow of the song playing in the radio.

"Dominoes!" Carter exclaims with a smile and pats on my back to lift my mood, but I don't let it happen. I nod slightly, after knowing where we were going for the brunch, maintaining my silence.

"Diamonds, aye Ash it's Rihanna." Jack points out one of my favourite song playing in the radio.

I just smile, dying to sing the song along but I won't talk, I won't, atleast for some more time.

"Speak" I hum to Carter as she half shouts. They were now almost near the shore to get angry and burst at me. But I like to bother them like this. It's kinda fun.

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