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I began to hear sniffling, touch the sheets beneath my weak fingers, and smell the scent of the familiar aroma of soup. I couldn't quite part my eyes yet, but my senses slowly returned. Am I in heaven or hell? That's all I questioned. Then the moments of the last battle recalled, playing like a movie. I couldn't speak either, just stay in place.

"I'm sorry. It's all my fault." I heard, forcing me to part my eyelids. 

"E-Eren?" I rasped, hearing the crackling behind my vocals. I observed his tears, trickling down his cheek as he sniffled more. 

"Nadette, you're awake?" he asked in disbelief. I couldn't move my head, so I responded with the raspy voice I obtained.

"Yes." Deep inhale, deep exhale, that's all I did, recalling the feeling of air enter my lungs. 

"I'm so sorry, Nadette. I made you lose your guard." His voice was traced with sincerity, his tears staining his cheeks. My green irises looked into his glassy ones. 

"Don't be." I took another breath to prepare myself. "It's...not your f-fault." The pain slithered back, making me wince as I spoke.

"Don't speak, just rest." Eren lent forward with a glass of water, permitting me to take a sip. I did so, a rush of cold liquid slipping down my throat. "I have something to confess." He pulled the glass away, gripping to it's smooth surface. 


"Don't speak." He scrunched his eyebrows, bouncing his leg with the green irises shaking nervously. "I think I found out why I've been so hostile against you." he gulped, looking away from my face. As one who barely understands her own emotions, I'm quite dense to what he's feeling. "I think-I think I might have a little, uh, crush?" he questioned himself, not sure how to exactly speak the words. "Just a little one. The reason hasn't occurred to me, but you're really pretty and strong. You're trying to fix your anger management and that's nice." I could hear his heart beat to the speed of lightning. His face grew extremely red, still shaking his legs while trembling with the glass. All I did was smile. He wouldn't let me speak, but at least he noticed my reaction. 

A few knocks hit the door frame, causing us both a shock. Eren whipped his head quickly, the blush slowly becoming transparent. 

"Oh, hey Captain." Eren placed the glass back on the nightstand besides my bed, his voice trembling.

"Tch. What's going on here?" Levi asked, crossing his arms. His gaze was completely empty, piercing Eren's soul.

"I was apologizing." Eren cleared his throat with a cough, standing with his heart beating quickly. A small grin appeared on his lips as he waved. "See you later, Nadette." he beamed, closing the wooden door behind him. 

Levi sighed, sitting in the chair Eren once sat in, crossing his legs. "At least you're alive." he muttered with a breathy tone. I nodded, looking back up at the ceiling. "Eren used that coordinate ability to kick Reiner's ass." My eyes shifted to his calm state. I raised an eyebrow.

"What?" my voice rasped, sounding almost dead.

"Turns out Reiner is the Armored Titan and Bertholdt is the Colossal." His eyes never moved an inch away from my face, making me somewhat uncomfortable.

"Hmm." I mumbled while changing my gaze to my window. I coughed to clear my throat, wincing.

"Tch." he scoffed, not speaking afterwards. I noticed his head turned away, looking irritated.

"What's wrong?" I questioned slowly, feeling my voice regain it's strength.

"What was Jaeger apologizing for?" he fumed, displaying a hidden rage within him.

"He thought it was his fault that I'm in this bed right now." My voice was recovering hastily.

"Tch. It sure seemed like something else was going on." His eyes shut once more, waiting for me to respond.

"I hate to burst your little bubble, but he only apologized. A little blush on his cheeks doesn't mean anything." I retorted, regretting it immediately.

"Ok." The memory appeared; him saving me from my attempt at ending my life. It was as if that scene could never escape my thoughts. My face dimmed as the moments before I passed out played.

"You really need to stop saving me." I almost chuckled, abruptly stopping myself.

"Why is that?" he mouthed, raising a brow.

"You've done it twice now. It's about time I save you." I couldn't hold back, I blurted out laughing. My weak arm lifted as I pressed against my abdomen.

"Tch. Your injuring yourself." If only he could laugh along with me.

"Maybe that's what I want." He immediately rose, forcing the chair back.

"Don't talk like that." he mumbled under his aggravated breath. I grinned, noticing that I can still push his buttons.

"Ahh, you don't like it when I talk about injuring myself?" I taunted while watching his eyes fume.

He leaned forward, his face only inches away from mine. "I swear, I'll break your neck." I felt his warm breath press against my face. Pump. Pump. Pump. That feeling came back. What was it? His eyes were so dark and almost infinite, I could've gotten lost.

"Awe, you two about to kiss?" Hanji chimed in, clapping her hands together. "Aren't you guys-"

"Shut up, four eyes!" Levi barked, calmly leaving the room with balled fists.

"What's his deal?"

"It's none of your concern." I replied, my grin disappearing as I thought about what I said.

"How are you feeling?" Erwin walked in, sitting in the chair. I didn't know what to feel. Am I sad, angry, happy? I've never been more confused in my life.

"I don't know." I spoke honestly. My eyes darted in random places, attempting to find my emotion.

"You had a pretty deep cut so it's less likely you'll be training anytime soon, or doing much of anything." The words that poured out of Hanji's mouth worried me, taking the air out of my lungs. I never thought I'd be so shocked to hear that.

"What?" I lifted myself, feeling outrageous pain.

"What are you doing? Keep resting." Erwin spoke, looking slightly worried.

"Listen, I can't live without fighting. Don't strip that from me." I hissed, pushing my arms to my elbows.

"I understand, but the more you do now, the longer it'll be till you fully recover." Hanji mentioned while waving her hands, signaling me to lay down.

Anger rose within me, almost wanting to jump up and run. My fists balled as I restrained myself. Taking deep breaths, I asked, "How long until I'm recovered?"

"At least three months and at most around seven months." Her vocals lowered as did her gaze. There was a feeling of sorrow drowning us in this room. Silence grew loud, almost hearing static in my ears.

"Can you guys leave me be?" My voice hoarsed, seeing them leave my room. "I don't want to be in here. It's too hot here. It's so small! I can't move!" I began screaming as my mind filled with overwhelming fear. There is one thing I knew I feared: fealing trapped. And currently, that feeling took over. "Get me out of here!" I bellowed in agony, feeling pain both mentally and physically.

My little temper tantrum ended when rage switched to dejection. I sobbed as my body heavily heated. "Why? Why me? Maybe I deserve this for being to selfish years ago." I spoke to myself while warm tears trickled down my cheek.


Once Hated - Levi AckermanWhere stories live. Discover now