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As the crowds continued cheering on the scouts, shouting and swaying their hands in the air, I walked behind houses, staying in a partial crouching position. My breathing was calm, heart wasn't pounding just yet, but I could feel the grin grow as my danger increased.

"Wooo, Scouts!" More people shouted, though I didn't hear the Humanity's Strongest escape others' mouths. My mind took no thought into that, assuming he blended in with his squad as they left Wall Rose.

The sun slowly lost it's light as dark grey clouds consumed it, casting a shadow down upon everyone.

"Shit, it's going to rain." I mumbled, smelling the increased humidity in the air. "At least there'll be less of a chance people will see me." I murmured to myself, thinking that I tend to talk to myself quite alot.

The dirt beneath my every step slowly turned to slush as raindrops scattered from the sky. It wasn't pouring just yet, but was just a light rain. It continued to worsen as I grew closer to Wall Sina, staying in the alleyways and behind buildings.

"Get yourself your favourite dessert here!" A man shouted from a food stand. My eyes diverted to his position for a split second as my body blending into the brick wall of a building.

Rain drops became heavy, falling quickly, feeling tough pats from the force. My cloak absorbed all the water, making me feel slightly refreshed from the warm and humid air. My body continued forth, hearing each step fall into puddles in between the stones. My emerald green eyes traveled side to side, making sure I wasn't to be seen. Breathing became difficult as my mask was covered in water droplets, feeling as if I was about to get water boarded.

I shoved my mask down to breath in fresh air, taking large gasps as I continued forward.

"Get ready! Someone is coming through the gate!" I heard from a man besides the entrance to Wall Sina. My grin dropped as I grew serious, taking cautious steps towards the entrence.

A horse dragging a wagon trotted past the gate, covering the man's view of me. This was the perfect opportunity, so I took it. My steps became suddenly quiet and blending with the heavy rain. I slithered besides the wagon and quickly wrapped my body around the gate, dashing through a small tunnel beneath the thick wall. After it was cleared, I swung around the corner and ran to a small patch of trees nearby. My grin grew back as I gazed upon the large palace that held fine jewelry just waiting to be stolen.

"Yes." I spoke, feeling slightly victorious of my recent achievement.

Continuing forward, water ran down the sides of my cheeks and down the bridge of my nose, falling off my chin. Staying behind trees was my best bet of not getting noticed, even if the trees weren't large or tightly packed together, I was still stealthy enough to go unnoticed.

Pound. My heart kept going as I was close to the palace, rushing behind a large bush by the entrance. No one was entering or leaving, so I squatted and walked behind each bush. I wrapped around the corner of the palace and continued, feeling my thighs slowly deplete in stregnth. Pushing through, I finally found the back entrance, a thin and white wooden door. My hand felt the knob, slowly slipping from my gloves being soaked.

"I'm soaked, it will show up on the carpet." My hand twisted the knob, entering the door, seeing the stoves and ovens with white cabinets decorating the kitchen. My smile plastered on my face as I noticed the shiny brick floors, and not carpets. "Someone just mopped."

I walked in a high squat, trying to reduce the squeaking from my boots against the recently mopped floors. While still having the chance, I opened a cabinet, grabbing the good fruits and stuffing a few in my backpack.

My feet moved on their own, sneaking towards the entrance of the large, empty kitchen. I heard nothing beyond the door, resulting in opening it ever so slightly, then wiggling through. It was quiet as it began to shut. I quickly jogged across the stone floor, hearing small droplets of water escape from my clothes. I sighed, entering a room that showed necklaces around small mannequin necks inside of glass boxes. Also, there was a black rock sitting in the middle of a wooden table, showing strokes of violet throughout it's surface.

Quickly, I ran to the rock, slowly gazing upon it's beautiful patterns. My breath paused as my eyes reflected the violet tones. Slowly, I lifted it from it's place of rest and set it in it's own section of my backpack, it being surprisingly light weight, I treated it as a delicate jewel.

Muffled voices scurried to the side of the door, shocking me suddenly. I hid behind one of the tables holding a few presented necklaces.

"Yes, this rock is quite exquisite." The kings low voice rung in my ears, noticing his eyes grow wide as he saw the space that the rock used to lay. "Someone stole it!" he shouted, breathing heavily from his panic.

"Don't worry, sir." That monotone and emotionless voice sounded all too familiar. The one person I loathed the most entered the room. His dark, coal-coloured hair draped on the sides of his face, a few strands above his eyebrows. The clothes he presented were the natural, tan outfits with green scout capes falling behind his back and the sides of his arms. "Well, they entered at a perfect time, since you mopped the floors. If they entered recently, they'd have to be soaked." Levi crept to the side of the wooden table, seeing the place the rock used to be.

"What happened?" Another character boasted, stepping into the room, shaking his short blonde hair and raising his bushy eyebrows.

"Someone stole the prized possession of the King." Levi's tone was almost sarcastic as Erwin stepped forward, watching the wooden table as if something was walking across it.

"They are still in the palace and are soaked." Erwin concluded, making Levi scoff as he mentioned those observations moments earlier. I took my gaze off the two men and searched the room for an escape.

I didn't know they would be here. My thoughts wondered as I spotted a window right in front of me. I have to take it, but just wait for them to leave. The window remained shut as all the men left the room in search of the culprit. Standing silently, hands drifting towards the window, it opened, letting rain seep into the room. Sounds of thunder roared in the distance.

Quickly, I climbed onto the window seal, falling into a small bush. Noises of footsteps grew closer to my area. My body quickly reacted and attempted to hide behind the green bush, but it was no use.

"I spotted someone!" Someone in a green Cape shouted, pointing in my direction. My legs bolted, dashing through the rain, breathing rate increased.

"Let's go, Erwin!" Levi yelled. Chasing me into the town of nobility within Wall Sina.

How can I leave without the gate opening? Questioning my escape routes, I still ran through the brick roads, seeing buildings shoot by. My boots gripping just enough to the brick. I was still able to run in this storm.

"Shit." My hood stayed attached to my head, due to the soaking of my hair. There was no crowd, but a wagon appeared, allowing me to slide beneath it, using the rain to my advantage.

My head spun around, seeing Levi closely behind me while Erwin trailed his tracks. My adrenaline kicked in, as I was one to love the chase.


Once Hated - Levi AckermanWhere stories live. Discover now