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I slowly crept beside a rundown house in a hidden alleyway. Then pushing my black mask over my nose and tossing my dark and large hood on top of my bright blonde hair. I took a few deep breaths, preparing my mindset for this next mission. My heart began to pump louder as adrenaline began to kick in.

My eyes squinted, smiling beneath my mask. "Here we go." I whispered to myself, hearing no voices within the home.

I pulled out a small can of oil, squirting it into cracks of the door to not allow creaks to cause anyone to awaken. My hands, covered in black gloves, lowered the can onto the pebbled and paved road. I grabbed the knob, slightly turning its gears as the door opened silently. My body was scrunched, trying to not stand completely straight. Shutting the door behind me ever so slowly, I made my way to the kitchen. Pump. Pump. Pump. My heart continued, not from being nervous, but being excited. These missions were so exciting.

I quickly brushed my hand amongst the fruit on the table, feeling for any good products. Placing the good ones in my brown backpack, I heard slight footsteps make their way down the stairs. Quickly, my eyes darted towards the sound, noticing a dark figure appear. My body instantly shrunk into a squat, making my way to the door, keeping my eyes on the person stepping into the kitchen. The person rummaged through some metallic objects and was suddenly quiet. I felt the need to bolt and leave the area, just incase they fire a blow to my head. Suddenly, I heard the beginning of a swing from the person's knife. I then roll dodged it, being further away from the door. I stood, grabbing a chair and slowly walking towards the front door. It was still so dark, the silhouette was all I could manage to see.

"Come here you theiving bitch." The man murmured, swinging once again. I pushed the chair against his body after dodging his recent blow. His body collapsed, allowing me the opening to run out the door. My feet took off, opening the door and dashing through the dark and empty roads. Pump. Pump. Pump. A smile crept onto my face as I continued running, no one tailing my fast feet.

I found myself by the edge of Wall Rose, taking deep breaths to gather the few miles of running. Leaning down, I lifted the trapdoor covered in grass and dirt to shield the hideout from others' eyes. The latter led to the small area that seemed almost like a bunker. The trapdoor shut itself from the gusts of wind.

I lowered my mask and unbuttoned the black cloak that covered my body, slipping it off and hanging it besides my bed. I placed my bag on the small wooden table, grabbing each piece of fruit as if it was delicacy. My eyes fluttered to the sight of fresh goods, tongue licking my lips as my hands rubbed against each other.

"Hmm." I thought for a minute, thinking of which fruit to eat first. "Apple it is!"

I grabbed the apple and took a slow, deep bite into the dry skin of the juicy fruit. My mouth watered to the crunch, feeling the sensation of it's mushy insides swirl in my mouth.

"This shit is good!" I spoke, furiously taking another bite. And another. And  another. My body lost control and scarfed down every single juicy good that once laid on my table. My eyebrows dropped to the sight of the food missing.

"How sad." My mind raced as I thought of my next mission: to steal from the king. Just thinking about it threw a large grin across my lips. My eyes gleamed to the imagination of seeing myself escape the palace unnoticed with the most fine jewelry. That way, I can sell it for money, climbing up to the point where I can buy my own food. I wouldn't stop stealing though, or any other crime I've commited, since it was way too much fun. A chuckle escaped my mouth as my mind squandered to find a result I'd call a plan for this mission.

After thinking of all the possible ways I could fail, yet succeed, screaming and yelling bursted from above my hideout.

I took a moment to climb the latter in curiosity, peering through the slightly opened trapdoor. Seeing the scouts leave towards the wall brought a sigh of relief upon me. I only saw a few, but if they were leaving, then so would that bastard, Levi.


"Dad, I finished digging." I spoke in a low tone, hearing no emotion in my words. He spun around to look sternly in my direction.

"That's good, Nadette. Now, finish it. Make it into something like a bunker." His eyes were hazy, his limbs draped off the side of the couch, his words started to dull into slurs. " don't finish, then I'll- I won't" I nodded, showing no sign of disturbance, since this was a common occurance.

I walked back outside in the sun, beginning to work with my blistered hands from shoveling and sweat dripping off my forehead from the blazing heat.

My hands modelled the mud I made with the little water we had available, making a dome over the trench. This took hours, what seemed like days, but if I didn't finish, I'd starve more than I did yesturday.

"This sucks." I made out, wiping my forehead as I finished, walking slowly to the door in exhaustion. "Done with that."

"Nadette,! You look t-tired, why don't you...make daddy and mommy food?" He pleasantly ordered, drinking another bottle of beer, taking multiple swings at once. I entered the kitchen, feeling drowsy from the loss of water within my body. Footsteps rang in my ears as they walked down the stairs.

"Is Nadette finally making us food? I'm starving!" My mom mentioned, rubbing her stomach with a horrid look on her face as if she were in pain. 

Though I continued to make the soup with the few vegetables we had, I still couldn't care less about what they would do if I stopped. I felt my eyes drop and raise again, almost falling asleep over the pot.

"I'm tired." My emotionless voice spoke, hearing my mother walk into the kitchen.

"Just because you just turned thirteen doesn't mean you can't do what we say!" She screamed, losing her soft voice that displayed her before.

"Ok." I replied, hurriedly stirring the soup over the heat.


The memory made me sink into my hideout, lit by many candles surrounding my stay. I balled my fists as I sat at the miniature table for a few moments, thinking over my mischievous plan. Suddenly, my legs pushed me up, kicking the chair behind me to fall back. A smile plastered on my face as my eyes were filled with determination.

"I got this. I've stolen from the MP's before, aswell as the scouts. It isn't hard." I told myself outloud, throwing the backpack over my shoulders. Breathing increased as I buttoned the cloak atop of me, covering my blonde locks with the black hood. I tucked my hair in the back of the cloak, hoping others won't notice me. I stood on the first step of the latter, slowly approaching the first step of my journey today: getting through crowds to reach Wall Sina.


Once Hated - Levi AckermanOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora