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My tired body was possibly shutdown for a few hours after Levi's words. Last thing I rememeber is him sitting in the chair as I looked into the glass window. I assume I just fell asleep. I should probably open my eyes now.

I slowly parted my eyelids, feeling a rush of cold air cast over my body. The darkened black skies were in the center of my vision. The shadowed trees lined the rim of my sight while the dead one sprouted from behind me. A smile crept onto my face as I realized where I was.

"My safe place." I tried pushing my upper body up to only be stopped by a hand on my chest.

"Don't move. You're only a month in." Levi spoke, sitting besides my motionless stature. My excitement almost sprung out of skin, but I was able to compress a little bit.

"Thank you so much." I beamed, still feeling his hand on my upper chest. "You don't understand."

"Tch. Don't thank me. You practically begged like a dog grovelling to it's master." Levi's hand was warm as he spoke. The air felt chilly from the change in season, but this was much better than the white mattress I'd go to for sleep.

"I guess I'll beg more often. It seems to work on you." I smirked, giggling under my breath.

"This place isn't even that great. There's just a dead tree in the center." He was attempting to find an excuse to not understand me, but I knew well that he did. After all, he was the one who brought me to my favoured place within the walls.

"Well, you knew it was my favourite place." I raised a brow in the darkness, only seeing his silhouette from beams of light within a distance.

"You talk about this everywhere we go. It's stained in my memory." His low and cold voice almost made my heart skip a beat. It was that fact that his low and cold voice made him more vulnerable. There's just a hint of emotion when he speaks, and for some odd reason, I seem to be the only one who can pick it up.

"Why did you bring me here? Did anyone see you?" I questioned, looking into his shadow.

"No one saw me. I brought you here because...ah just because." My smile grew as he couldn't find the words to continue.

"When they find out, they'll be pissed." I chuckled, feeling his hand press slightly against my chest. He wouldn't let it go, maybe because I atgempt to sit up every time he does so.

"Tch. I was forced to do this." My chuckle continued, feeling my stomach ache from the sudden laughter.

"You're-You're hurting me." My eyes teared up from his comment, even though it wasn't that hysterical. "Seriously, that laugh made my stomach hurt. Watch what you say, Captain." I teased, wiping the perspiration in the corner of my eyes.

"You call me Captain now?" He seemed surprised to hear, but I shook my head in rejection.

"It was a joke."

"It wasn't funny." He added, watching his face slowly appear from the shadows as the light poked through the trees every once in a while.

"How am I supposed to make you laugh if you don't ever do it?" I rasped, coughing to get rid of the cracking.

"Stop speaking. It's making you cough and I don't want your germs on me." I almost laughed, but I gripped onto the feeling.

"Again." My hand grabbed his wrist, it still pressing against my chest. "Thank you."

My hand pushed his aside, letting it go. I gazed up at the glittering stars that scattered across the night sky. My heart beat increased, thinking of the possible reasons. Perhaps, it was because I moved Levi's hand, since it wasn't pumping like this before. My face became warm as the cold air attempted to lower the temperature.

"Enjoy it while it lasts, Nadette. When they find us out here, your the one getting the punishments." he joked while gazing up.

"Ah, it's alright. Just lay down, it's easier to see and more comfortable." my words suggested, seeing his slightly lit face lay his back against the tree. Levi lifted a leg to use as an arm rest.

"I don't really lay down."

"Do you even sleep? You did while watching me yesterday, but do you actually sleep?" my question pondered in silence, waiting for his response.

"I only sleep for a few hours." he mumbled, almost like he didn't want to say it outloud.

"Damn. It depends for me. I can sleep for a few hours then after awhile, I'll sleep for much longer." I spoke, feeling my stomach with my hand. I winced to my delicate touch on the stitches. "Just wanted to let you know, I'm not going to stop trying." I sighed, watching his expressions in the dim light.

"Tch. Ofcourse. You'll hurt yourself." he replied with a monotone voice, giving me a cold glare.

"Worried, are you?" I asked with a slight giggle behind my breath.

"I'd never be worried about you." My giggle grew louder, feeling my stomach ache from the breathing patterns.

"That's good. Then, you don't have to save me all the time."

I heard him mumble but couldn't quite pick it up. I didn't feel like asking Levi what it was that he said.

I gasped, widening my eyes. "I have a new nickname for you." My face beamed as I spoke, a smile stretching across my face.

"It better not be 'pet' again." His eyes shut as his face lowered, rubbing his fingertips together atop of his knee.

"Nope! It's Lev." Instantly, his eyelids unlocked, revealing his dark and endless black eyes. It was as if I could watch them for days.

"Tch." That was his only response. My eyes grew heavy, feeling my muscles weaken. But I just woke up. I guess this happens when you get injured. My hands elevated and placed themselves ontop of my stomach.

"Thanks again." I breathed while shutting my windows to my soul, feeling drowsy as my senses blurred.

My last thought before sleeping was actually about Levi. Just thinking that he was by my side actually comforted me a bit, as he was the one who saved me twice.


Once Hated - Levi AckermanМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя