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A menacing feeling crept upon me. Glaring down, the Colossal Titan saw my hostile expression. I couldn't do anything, since I lost fuel within my gear. My blades would cut, but that would barely scratch the surface.

"Where's Eren and Nadette?" I heard a yelp of Hanji's voice in a distance.

"Hanji!" I screeched, seeing her stand on a tree branch afar. Then, she extended one of her cables, heading in my direction. "Don't help me! He'll capture you!" My constant shouting was aching my throat. Hanji still swayed, not even taking a second thought.

I saw my vision disappear as the Amored Titan rose to it's feet. The Colossal's hand closed, causing darkness to approach me.

My eyes wandered to Eren, who was still unconcious. My hands attempted to awaken him, but nothing worked. I sat with my legs crossed and my elbows on my knees, anticipating what may happen next.

I felt movement below my body. Are they moving us? Where to? I stood, grabbing my blades.

"I have to get out of here. Ima make sure we don't get captured, Eren." I asserted with a smirk of determination.

Constant shouting was slowly fading into the abyss. My mind scattered different ideas, but the one I constantly stumbled upon was to just spin and hope for the best. I leaned forward, preparing my blades. I used my strength to then twirl my body. I felt friction against the blades as they continued to slice through the titan's flesh.

"Hey! Stop that!" I heard a low voice snap. My eyes widened as the large hand opened to reveal someone I never thought I'd see.

"Bertholdt! What are you doing?!" I barked while pointing the bloodied blade in his face. My expressions then displayed rage and confusion.

In a brisk moment, a plated wall surrounded us as his hand shrunk down to a normal size. I couldn't run because of the armor, but I couldn't stay either. It was slightly dark with light seeping through thin layers of muscle within the miniature wall.

"We're doing this for everyone's sake." He preached, but I quickly intervened by swinging a blade. His swift dodge forced my blade to rub against the amored plates.

"Don't give me that crap. You're being selfish! What do you need Eren for anyway?!" My blood boiled, so much for my anger management.

"He is what we need to order all the titans together." He wasn't smiling, but was resembling more of an angered mood.

"Why is that?" I asked, raising a brow.

"He has the coordinate ability. It's an ability that can order titans to do what the wielder commands." The ride suddenly got bumpy, hearing compressions of the 3DM gear surround the area.

"So what if he has this ability! If you don't let us go, I'll kill you. I don't care if you're a squad mate. You've caused too much harm!" I announced, preparing my blades for a battle. He had no offense but his titan form.

My body held in a stance, getting ready to start. Immediately, I leaped forward, feeling an abrupt stop as my blades lodged into his titan hand.

"Ugh! You bastards!" After my yell, I felt a grip on my ankle. My glare dashed back, seeing Eren slightly conscious. "Eren?"

It was at that moment that Bertholdt took advantage of my lowered guard. A sudden pain flowed within me. I dropped my eyes, seeing  blood pour down my stomach. My eyes diverted to Bertholdt, seeing his worrisome face.

"Oh my- I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to." he wailed, realizing what he just did. I fell to my knees, squinting my eyes in anger.

"Bertholdt." my voice rasped, grabbing the blade that was in front of my eyes, trickled with my blood. "You're going to pay!" I howled with all my might, driving the blade forward into his stomach. It was this time that he didn't defend himself with his titan form, but accepted his punishment.

He fell back, the blade driven deep inside his stomach. I glared into his dying eyes. "This is your...fault." My body grew significantly frail, collapsing to my side.

"Nadette!" Eren was wide awake now, rushing to my aid.

The Armored Titan paused, more compressions flying around. I discerned that my body was slowly falling into darkness. My senses leaving my mind the longer I bleed out.

"No, no, no!" Eren cried, placing pressure on my stomach, but the cut was too large and deep.

There was light sheening through the plated wall, but I couldn't see who was there. Eren began to tear up, me considering on weather he has actually been angry with me all this time.

"It's alright, Eren. I can't die that easily." I made out, coughing blood onto my lips. The taste of iron covered my tongue, feeling disgusted.

"No, no. You're not alright!" He began to hyperventilate as he continued placing pressure. "AHH!" Eren's roar had a different feel to it, as if it was reverberating through the air.

Instantly the wall gaped open around us. I felt my eyes shut as someone grabbed my body, flying through the air. Eren's sobs leisurely faded as my sense deprived.

"Hey! Wake up!" It was a male's voice, but I couldn't make out who's it was. There was a slap to my face, then I realized I was numb. "Open your goddamn eyes, Nadette!" As the man continued placing pressure on my stomach, my eyes parted, attempting to observe who it was.

"Hey." I chucked with a choked voice, coughing once more. "How's Eren?" I asked, with a drowsy tone.

"He's alright. Can I get a medic?!" he demanded. "Don't you dare shut your eyes." The facial expressions and tone finally cought up to me. His charcoal hair and eyes glaring me down.

"Oh. Levi." I coughed then continued. "You're here." My eyelids felt tired, my entire body falling into a lazy state. Warmth then surrounded my abdomen. 

My eyes blinked slowly, almost shutting. My mind then presented me different memories. Is this what happens before you die? Maybe I'm just remembering the good stuff. What am I kidding, there is no good stuff. Then there was one memory that lingered in my thoughts, finally appearing.


Without thinking, I turned and wrapped my arms around his shoulders, feeling my body grow weak as I continued to cry in the nook of his neck. He slowly lowered his knees to the ground as my body followed his movement.

"It's ok." he whispered, wrapping his hands around my waist. I couldn't think. I couldn't speak. I could only cry. I didn't care if it was Levi who saved me. I felt angry, depressed, and happy at the same time. It was too overwhelming.

"I'm sorry." I whispered, sniffling.


The corners of my lips lifted to the sight of that scene once again. It felt different from the rest. Someone actually saved my life instead of allowing me to fall. My parents would've let me fall, citizens would've let me fall, and the old cadets would've let me fall. He was different that day. It was as if he eradicated all of his emotionless senses and actually displayed empathy.

My eyes had a difficult time remaining open. A mob of soldiers, partially injured but alive, encircled my position. I could feel some lift me into one of the wagons that were brought along with us during the journey. 

My breathing became rough and slow, almost scaring myself from the sudden change in my heart beat. The wagon began to move, shaking the wood beneath my very body. Each bump was another sting to the stomach. There was at minimum two people holding my stomach together. The cut was so deep that I'm sure if I stood up, my intestines would fall out. Another cough escaped my breath as my eyes gave up. 


"Nadette, don't close your eyes!"


The shouts dissipated, sensing only darkness towering my presence. I lost my sight, my hearing, my feelings, then my consciousness.


Once Hated - Levi AckermanWhere stories live. Discover now