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While standing in the dirt arena, I smirked, feeling victorious this time. I almost won before, I can win this time. I took a deep breath, balling my fists as I prepared myself.

"Ready?" Levi asked with a monotone voice. I nodded, seeing him step into stance.

I leaped forward to perform a direct punch to his head, intentionally leaving my abdomen open. I saw his hand aim striaght for my abdomen. Using my other hand, I punched his hand down, then landing in front of him. Levi's other hand grasped my dominant one. I pulled back, seeing him dash forward, getting ready to kick, but I quickly dodged it, gripping on his wrist. I pulled him down to the ground, trying to tackle him, but his agility was off the charts. Levi stood quickly, making me lose my grip on his hand.

"Tch." I heard from him, grinning largely as I saw him launch himself forward, aiming to punch my face, but I ducked, swinging my leg around quicker than he could notice. Seeing him collapse to the ground, I quickly scurried to pin him, but once I reached his body, he rolled over. My hand couldn't stop moving, like it had a mind of it's own. It grabbed his shoulder, rolling him back over. I quickly straddled over his back, grabbing his arms. A sigh escaped his breath, pulling his arms out of my grasp. My eyes grew wide as he push himself up with me atop of him.

"Hey, I had you pinned." I wined, swinging my hand to hit his elbow, forcing it to bend, dropping us both to the ground. Once that happened, he coughed. I believe he had the wind knocked out of him, but I continued. I grabbed one of his wrists, pulling it up to my face as my opposite hand got prepared to break his arm. "Gotcha." I felt his muscles relax, still coughing. "You alright?" I asked, chuckling.

Then, my legs pushed myself off of him so he could properly breathe. His body lifted itself up, coughing dust and dirt from the arena.

"You seem mad that I finally beat you." I teased, chuckling more as I witnessed his suffering. "It's great to see you suffer." I added, him giving my a glare once he got himself under control.

"If you didn't do that last move, I would've had you." Levi complained, standing up while patting his clothes down. "Now I'm all dirty."

"Then go shower. No one is stopping you." I retorted, pointing towards the barracks. Levi sighed as his eyes diverted to the building.

"Ima head in and eat something." I spoke, taking a few steps towards the door. That was when I heard running come for my position. I attempted to turn quickly, but his agility was much faster than mine.

I found myself on the dirt, face first, feeling the oxygen escape from my lungs as if my soul was sucked out. I coughed as I felt his warm hands hold my arm in a position where he could break them.

"Tch. You left yourself open." he spoke, eyeing me down. I then felt his grip get slightly tighter, feeling my heart pump. Why does it do that? I looked at him in the corner of my eye.

"You dumbass, I was walking inside. Ofcourse I was wide open." I spoke with a little bit of irritation. I coughed once more hearing another's footsteps.

"What's going on here?" A familiar voice rang. There were a few more footsteps behind Levi and I.

"She left herself open in our fight, so I tackled her." Levi spoke, lossening his grip, standing up while facing the trio.

"You're fighting her?" Eren scoffed, crossing his arms in disgust.

"Oh, calm down, Eren. She's gotten better at anger management." Armin calmly expressed, using his normal high pitched voice.

Levi was wide open. My small stature then did the same as he did to me. I leaped forward, tackling him down to the ground, holding his arm in a locking position.

Once Hated - Levi AckermanWhere stories live. Discover now