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"Stay calm?" I asked, looking up at his face as my body stopped scrambling. I noticed his nicely cut hair flailing in the wind as his charcoal eyes focused on the space in front of us.

Pump. Pump. Pump. What the hell? I didn't know why my heart decided to beat so loudly. My face looked away from Levi's, watching as he lowered us to the ground. Once his foot made contact with the dirt, I sprung out of his arms, landing as if I did an acrobatic stunt.

"Tch." He scoffed, looking for the rest of the squad, only Armin standing beside us.

"Oh, hey..." he paused, forgetting my name.

"Call me Nadette." I interrupted, keeping my gaze in the forest.

"That's right! You were pretty great out there. What happened to your arms?" His voice was almost shaking when he glanced at my arms.

I lowered my eyes to see for myself, realizing that they were badly burned. I couldn't feel any pain, but I saw the darkened skin, blistering streaks over my forearms. "That's just great." I remember sleeves being there.

"The Colossal Titan burned them. I got too close." I replied, seeing Armin's ocean blue eyes stare at the disgusted sight. "Knock it off, kid, it's weird." I spoke, diverting my look to the trees, seeing more cadets appear.

This Special Operations consisted of Levi, Armin, Mikasa, and Eren, since the old members died a few years ago, but a few cadets are still with Levi's squad.

"Where the hell is Eren and Mikasa?" Levi asked Connie, seeing him land in the grass, steam emitting from the titan blood that was splashed all over his body.

"I'm not sure, I only saw Jean and Sasha. They're on there way here." Connie replied, breathing excessively.

"Dammit." Levi mumbled, getting ready to release blades.

"What are you going to do?" I questioned, walking forward a few steps, not trying to get too close.

"I hope they didn't take Jaeger, since they were after him before." He responded, unleashing his blades. "I have to go find them." Suddenly, the two cadets flew out of the forest along with Mikasa, who was carrying Eren on her back.

"What happened?" Levi asked, sounding a bit worried, but maintained his monotone voice.

"Eren ran into a tree and knocked himself out." Mikasa replied, holding his, what seemed like, lifeless body on her back. She was leaning forward, inhaling for clear air. Mikasa was exhausted, still gripping to his knees.

"I tried taking him from her, since she's tired, but she wouldn't let me lay a finger on him." Jean spoke, sighing afterwards as he sheathed his blades, steam emitting off him as well.

"Mikasa, can you carry him?" Levi looked into her eyes, her nodding. Levi spun to face the group, me feeling like the short stack amongst them all. I could see them almost towering my small height. "We are going to go back to the barracks. Get on your horses and let's go." Levi announced with his dull eyes and low tone. Everyone leaped onto their horses, as they were waiting here during battle. I hopped onto mine, feeling nothing on my burned arms. 


Once we arrived to the stables, we untied our horses, and stashed them into the large wooden cages, food and water already provided for them. My arms finally felt it, the pain rushing so quickly to my nerves. I wrapped my arms together, but instantly felt pain to the touch. I hissed as we left the horses. 

"Ugh." My eyebrows scrunched up, seeing everyone stroll towards the building. I trialed behind in a long distance, sticking out my arms as it felt like fire on my skin. I blew as much cold air as I could to prevent the stinging, but it was useless. "Ahh, Ahh." I walked up to the door, it being held by Levi. "Hey, pet. Where is Hange?" I asked, on the verge of screaming my lungs out. he gazed down, noticing the burns, he widened his eyes. 

Once Hated - Levi AckermanWhere stories live. Discover now