"Malfoy's seen the snitch!"

The crowd gasped. You looked over to Fred, who had just hit bludger in Draco's direction. You watched as Harry was on Draco's tail, but he wasn't close enough. That is, until the bludger Fred hit rocked Dracos broom just enough to allow Harry to catch the snitch. 

"Gryffindor wins!"

Madam Hooch shouted.

You screamed and hugged Hermione. You looked over to Fred who was beaming at you. You grinned up at him. After some of the excitement had died down, you were able to make it out of the stands. Hermione had gone to find Ron and Harry. You decided to walk back to the castle and meet the team at the common room for the inevitable party. You were walking back, just past the changing rooms, when you heard someone call your name.

"Hey y/l/n."

You stopped walking to turn around and see who called you. It was Adrian Pucey.

"Hi Pucey. Did you need something?"

You forced a polite smile onto your lips. He walked closer to you.

"I saw you weren't cheering for Slytherin."

"Not this time, no."

You said as politely as possible.

"What a shame a pretty face like yours wasn't cheering me on."

He said with a smirk. 

"And I bet you look amazing in green."

Adrien said as he took a few steps closer to you.

"I can assure you that she does look lovely in green."

You turned to see Fred walking up to the scene. You breathed a sigh of relief. Adrien refused to back down. 

"I'd sure hope to see you cheering on Slytherin sometime."

Before you could respond, Fred did.

"I doubt it."

Fred hooked his finger around the belt loop on your jeans and pulled you closer to him. You bumped into him as he did so. 

"Now run along Pucey. I'm sure there's a pity party in the Slytherin common room."

Fred growled. You had to admit it was hot to see Fred this protective of you. Adrian finally gave up and stormed off. You started to walk back towards the castle, but Fred still had his hands on your belt loops. He pulled you back and turned you around kissing you passionately. You kissed him back, matching his passion. He slipped his tongue in your mouth as the kiss got more intense. Fred began to kiss down your neck.

"You really don't like Pucey, do you."

"I don't like anyone who flirts with you."

Fred said into your neck. He kissed up your jawline and connected your lips.

"We better get back to the common room."

You reminded. Fred pouted but agreed. You readjusted your shirt as you walked. Fred watched you, and as you fixed your shirt, his eyes got wide.


"What's wrong?"

Fred smirked. 

"You have a little something..."

Fred pointed to your collarbone. You looked down at your neck and saw what Fred had done.


You smacked his arm.


"What do you mean what? You left hickeys on my neck!"

"It's not my fault I can't keep my hands off you."

Fred defended. 

"Give me your jumper."

You demanded. Fred took his jumper off without hesitation and gave it to you. Luckily, the jumper covered the marks along your neck. Fred grabbed your hand began walking back to the castle. When you arrived at the Gryffindor common room, the party was already happening. You saw Hermione dancing with Ron, and Ginny dancing with Harry. You smiled. The song ended, and the next one started. It was Kiwi, the same song you danced to with Fred so long ago when you realized your feelings for him. You looked up at the prankster.

"I may have pulled a few strings..."

You kissed his jawline and pulled him onto the dance floor.

"Scared Weasley?"

You said, remembering this was what you said to him that night. He laughed and pulled you closer. 

"And all the boys were saying they were into it. Such a pretty face on a pretty neck."

You sang, your eyes locked with Fred's.

"But I'm into it."

You sang and danced with Fred until the sing ended. Instead of another song coming on, there was silence.


Fred cleared his throat loudly. You felt the blush creep up your cheeks.

"y/n y/l/n, it would be a great honor if you would allow me to be your boyfriend."

Everyone in the common room was watching the two of you. You pretended to think for a minute, your hand on your chin. You could see Fred's confidence falter.

"Of course you can be my boyfriend you oaf."

You pulled him close to you and kissed him, resulting in the whole common room clapping, and some people (George and Lee of course) shouting. You buried your face in Fred's shirt.

"You're lucky I love you."

"You love me?"

Fred said with a smirk on his face.

"What no- I just- I mean-"

"I love you too darling."

He kissed your temple, and all was well.


THANK YOU SO SO MUCH FOR READING MY FIRST BOOK!!!!!!!!!!! It's a bittersweet feeling to end my first book. I will now begin the editing process. If a chapter has a star (*) by it, the chapter has been edited. BUT NEVER FEAR!!! Although this book has ended, I have begun a Harry Potter One Shot book. REQUESTS ARE OPEN! A couple of rules and one shots will be posted. Feel free to message me or comment your requests. More rules will be over on that book. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for reading this book. I appreciate each and every one of you.

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