Happy Ever After?

Start from the beginning

'You would need a Kings blessing, King of Asgard.' Brokkr informed.

'How about prince and future king?' Thor patted his brother on the back hard. 'After all, as Odins eldest... I am to inherit the throne. It would be an honour to bless your union, brother.'

Loki hugged Thor, a genuine hug that Y/N had never seen between the two and accepted his offer to marry he and Y/N.

Y/N hugged thor too, and turned to Nitid. And kissed her mother's forehead. 'Will you give me away? Mother?'

Nitid began to spring tears as she nodded.

Y/N  busied herself, preparing herself to wed Loki, something she never thought would pass.

She quickly scrambled through the forest to find wild flowers for her bouquet, daisies and daffodils it looked it, and what looked like babies breath but purple. She had no clue what to do, but she wanted to make it as perfect for Nitid as possible.

'What's the problem dear, seem a little out of sorts?' Brokkr appeared as if from nowhere, and Y/N jumped out of her skin.

'Really? You think?!' She exclaimed, but calmed herself. While he was still on thin ice with her she knew full qell his power and what he could do. She had no control of her powers and could never quite ensure they would work to her need 

'Im trying to make it perfect. But look at me. I'm a mess...' she indicated to her state of dress, while she was clean, the rest of her looked like a reject from Oliver Twist.

'Well we can't have a bride feeling less than perfect can we?' Brokkr Smiled. He waived his hands and the bouquet became Y/N's favourite flowers, she stood stunned at what he gad done.

'Brokkr... what? Why?... Oh, wait. The future thing right?'

'That, and just a genuine desire to see you smile. Now, as for the gown... you can't very well go in rags, can you Cinderella?'

With another wave of his hand, energy swirled around Y/N and what was left was a beautiful gown, perfect, just what Y/N had dreamed.

'It's too much.' She said quietly.

'Hush now, I may not be your father but I think I can speak for him when I say it isn't. Especially when you are a future queen.'

She paused a moment, thinking about her father. She hadn't given much thought to him, Nitid had occupied everything. 'You think he knows, about me?'

'Oh my dear...you can count on it.' He said with a grin. 'Now what are you waiting for? Go get married.'

She smiled and ran back to the rest of the group. 'Guys, look! Brokkr did this!' She beamed and Loki looked her up and down.

He narrowed his eyes at Brokkr. 'And the price of this?'

He tilted his head in confusion.

'There is always a price with you.'

'No cost, call it... a freebie. Now are you ready for marriage? Oh and here. No wedding can be complete without Asgardian ceremonial wine.' He handed this to Thor.

This was incedibly unusual. Brokkr never did anything for anyone for free... and now he was being so generous it was almost unnerving. But Thor tested the wine, it was clean and drinkable. Nothing that would harm you other than hangover from excess.

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