An Apple A Day...

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They had since settled to rest at a small clearing, a circle of trees

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They had since settled to rest at a small clearing, a circle of trees.

Y/N looked in her bag, she had forgotten to pack any food in the rush to get going. She sighed heavily and pressed her mouth into a thin line regretting the haste.

Loki looked up, noting her empty satchel. Digging through his own, produced a brown paper wrapped parcel. He had packed a flat bread with a vegetable compote, and an apple.

'Here.' He handed her half of his bread. It had been almost 3 hours since another word passed between them.

They both needed refreshment, Y/N for the most part but she was too proud to admit it, and she only had her water cannister.

'I'm fine,' she lied

'You’re not fine, here I insist.'

'Thanks.' Y/N said, making peace with it. They sat and ate in silence for a few moments, sharing the vegetable compote Loki had brought with him.
They were comfortable with each other in the quiet.

'So, you are a Mortal.' Loki stated stated.

Y/N looked up at him and narrowed her eyes as a warning.

'I heard the Frost Giants say they could smell Mortal fear. And as I am no Mortal, I knew they could not be speaking of me.' He was smug which only irritated Y/N more.

She didn't want to talk, especially after what had occurred between them.

She took a mouthful of her water bottle, and ignored his staring, almost boring a hole in her with his gaze.
She took her thoughts elsewhere to distract herself from Loki's questions.

'Fine, don't speak to me. You're only making it worse for yourself. Do you know what they do to thieves at the palace? Eternal servitude. I could do with a new maid, you liked my chambers so much I could have you tend to it daily.'

She sighed. My god, does he ever shut the fuck up?

They ate in silence every so often stealing a glance at each other, both mistrusting and curious. He spoke up again.

'I think, you came here... on a ship. You were stowaway weren't you?'

She looked up at him with an eyebrow arched.

'No. Perhaps you were abducted, as a child most likely.
I have heard a group of ravagers had been banished for just that. Trafficking children for who knows.
Was that what happened to you?'

'You know what, pretty boy?' She snapped, totally exasperated by his voice.

'I don't care for your theories about me. I don't care what you think my "Tragic Backstory" is and I certainly couldn't care less about hearing them.'

She mocked him with quotation fingers.

'You wouldn't even begin to understand the FIRST thing about me, so don't try. All I want right now is for you to be quiet while I have my break and maybe - just maybe -'

Loki And The ThiefWhere stories live. Discover now