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'I can't be a god, or even related to one. I mean, what would I be God of? Bad decisions and frothy coffee?'

Y/N joked but couldn't help feel a little uneasy. Was there something about  her life that she didn't know?

'Well its just not possible. You are the only gods out there. And I'm not a planet.'

He thought for a moment. 'Was there ever a landing, an attack or even a visitation from another world?'

'Well not unless you count meteors the no I don't think so.' She began to wring her hands unsure of what this all meant. 'Well, when was the last?'

Y/N thought for a moment. 'Well the one we learned about in school was... but that was just a meteor nothing special.'

He narrowed her eyes at her. 'What, what is it?'

She turned away, she had never put two and two together before. 'Well there was one the year before I was born. But I never knew my actual family. But surely that doesn't mean...?'

Y/N sat down, wondering what to do or say, 'We may never know. But one thing is for sure, you may be mortal but that is not all.'

Y/N couldn't believe it but then realised she had always felt out of place at home. She felt homesick for somewhere- but she didn't know where or who. She felt it constantly as a child that she was meant to be somewhere else all along. A place that she couldn't return to or didn't exist.

'Hiraeth.' She whispered.

'What was that?' He asked.
'Oh nothing, its a word. When I was little I always felt out of place on midgard, like I was meant for a different world or life that either I couldn't get back to or never existed. There is a word for that feeling it's called Hiraeth.' Y/N smiled.

'Maybe some part of you knew that you were not meant for midgard.' He came close to her and stroked the back of his hand on her cheek. She leaned into him enjoying the closeness and the comfort. 

'There is only one way we can discover this. We must speak to the physicians. If we can narrow down your blood line and we can discover your true origin.'

'You mean run experiments on me? Yeah-no that is not going to happen.' Y/N stood and walked away heading for the closet for a clean dress.

'If we can narrow this down, we can find out who you truly are! Your Hiraeth come true!'

'I said no, Loki. I dont want to be prodded and poked at by a scientist. Please just respect that.' Y/N snapped and then softened. 'Loki, I just don't see the point. What difference will it make now?'

She put on a day dress of black and green and closed the closet. She walked over to Loki, and held his hand. 'Lets just enjoy each other and be who we are. I dont need to know who I could be. My genealogy has no bareing over who I am now.'

He smiled sweetly, taking her hands he kissed them and brought her in
To his arms.

They kissed gently, with his hands lightly on her hips. Y/N wrapped her arms around his neck. He trailed his hands up her back gently stroking
Y/N's hair and in that moment she felt complete. 'This is all I need, you and me. What does it matter where I come from or who my family were?' She kissed his cheek and stroked the area.

He smiled, and for a moment she saw something in his eyes, a happiness at what she said. It was almost like a sigh of relief as he gathered her up and brought her to the door.

'Come, I wish to take you somewhere that is of great importance to me.' Loki took Y/N's hand and led her down the hall. They wandered through the halls to a great hall, or so she thought. It was a great library.
Y/N's lost all ability to speak. It was the greatest library she had ever seen, filled with Tomes of ancient magics and knowledge.

Y/N walked passed the bookshelves and ran her fingers along the spines.

'Loki, it's wonderful... is this yours?'

'It is. Only I enter here. There is a world of knowledge here. You can know anything you wish.' Loki mused looking around the room with reverence.

'I can read these?" Y/N picked up a small red note book. She opened the page to see a page in Nordic runes. She fingered the pages 'Ow!' She exclaimed she looked down at her finger and droplets of blood poured onto the page. Loki produced a linnen cloth and held her hand. 'Careful my sweet. These books may hold more dangers than paper cuts.'

She opened up another book, a big purple Tome with stars on the cover. 'What's this?' Y/N opened it, it was printed in Midgardian it seemed.

'That is a book of celestials.' Came a booking voice. It was Odin, he came in smiling at Y/N 'They were powers who visited earth, interfered with Mortals lives. We fought them many times and well, I am not proud but we lost. We have not seen hide nor hair of a celestial since.'

'Then how do you know they still live?' Y/N asked. Odin assured her that they had to, and there were many more.

'Celestials have a habit of meddling in Midgardian life, in their evolution and their ways of life.' Y/N looked at Odin now and thought him a bit stuck up.

'You mean they help us evolve? What would you have us be? Cave men for the rest of our days?' She lifted her chin in defiance and looked him in the eye.

'Of course not, but interference can be a hindrance. Loki, I must speak with you.' Odin turned his attentions away and took Loki from the room.

Y/N got to reading the tome. Before her eyes, it became easier to read.

The people of Midgard are considered special among celestials. They are considered genetic superiors compared to any other. They are the most compatible and produce children with special powers. Powers are released with

As she read, she noticed a powder, a blue mist begin to form from the page. Breathing in, it inhabited her and filling her lungs. Suddenly she felt a force throwing her to the other end of the room and she was out.

When she came to, Loki was standing over her with great concern. 'Y/N what happend?'

She looked up at him confused. 'I don't know, I was reading and then I was knocked out...' she looked up and saw Odin eyeing her curiously.

'We should take her to the healers -'

'NO!' Y/N shouted. 'I don't want any doctors I am okay. I just need to lie down.'

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