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It must have been about 2am when
Y/N woke up, as it was still dark but there were hints of light peering through the windows.

She lay on her back peering into the dark, turning to Loki next to her in bed. The light hit his raven hair with a blue-silver sheen that made her sigh with a smile.

She slowly got up from her bed and wrapped herself in a robe and made her way out of the bed chamber.

The Palace was earilly quiet and still and there was a sense of hush.

It was like a spell had been cast, a sleeping curse where even the walls were asleep.

She padded bare foot down the hallway making her was to the library of tomes.

Tonight she would read more from the book that gave her that strange power, and hopefully gain answers.

She tried as much as possible to keep her footsteps as light as could be, but the polished stone would still hear the slap of her bare foot.

As she reached the library door she pushed it with all her might and it creaked ever so gently.

She opened it only part way and slid in before closing it leaving it slightly ajar.

The book was on the shelf to the left, the only purple Tome in the room she lifted the heavy book and slammed it onto the table.

Y/N carried on reading from where she left off.

The people of Midgard are considered special among celestials. They are considered genetic superiors compared to any other. They are the most compatible and produce children with special powers. Powers are released with the permission of their life giver or can be gifted through the life fore of a celestial planet which forms like a dust. In this book is trapped such a life force.

Celestials are powerful but none like the children of the celestials and midgardians.
Celestials have sought mates from across the universe and failed in their quest to create a being stronger than any but with extensive testing and research we have come to understand that the people of Midgard are the ones who are a genetic match for celestials. This may due to their interferences in their lives regarding their development or something in Midgard nature.

This wasn't helpful. She sat back and ran her mind over the dust that engulfed her. And essence? Was that what it was? It had to be. She read on to find a stark warning for all Asgardians'

We have never seen a child of Celestial and Midgardian heritage, and we hope we never do.

That just about did it for her, first she was nothing but a mortal and now she was the boogeyman.

'What am I thinking...' she muttered closing the book.

She palmed the cover of the purple Tome, the crystals gleamed in the light of the dawn.

A small spark erupted from her fingers and once more and the book flew open.

Dust gathered around her but this time something formed in front of her, a figure.

Y/N stood up and backed up away from what was appearing in front of her, it was a figure like sand and it spoke.

'Celestial, make yourself known.' It spoke so forcefully Y/N forgot almost how to speak.

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