Fever Struck

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'You took my blood, really Loki?' She felt violated and betrayed by his actions.  She had said no doctors, no tests, no way. She crossed her arms in front of her chest and stared at him, looking for him to break. He stood steadfast glaring at me like I was the one who had wronged him.

'It was a precaution. We needed to make sure you didn't have an infection. You passed out, you were feverish, and you didn't wake up until now.' he growled his word, full of anger and accusation 'To say it was for any other means would suggest foul play on my part. Is that what you are accusing me of little thief?'

'Yeah, I bloody well am. Don't give me that bullshit. You don't need my blood for that, you can tell if someone needs an antibiotic, you don't need to take blood for that. What did you do with it?' She threw her accusation at him, and it was poison to his ears.

She watched as he walked towards her her slowly, his eyes were unrelenting and unblinking in their anger. She couldn't even fathom why he would betray her like this, she thought there was an understanding between them -no secrets and no lies. It was hard for her to completely open up like she had with him, in her mind this was the closest thing to a trusting relationship she had ever had and even this had some flaws.

The anger flared up in her like never before, 'I trusted you. Do you understand that Loki? I trusted you to not harvest my bloody genetic material!' She was climbing the wall. Her hair had gotten out of it's ties and was beginning to pool around her face in a slight curl. Loki bit his lip as he raked her his gaze over her, there was something about her anger with him that he found wildly arousing. Never in his life had a woman angered him, made him feel less of a god and more like a mortal. He felt helpless under her gaze like she could strike him down at any moment.

He walked right up to her toe to toe, taking her loose strands of hair between his fingers twirling it, absent minded. He looked deep into her eyes and his brushed his lips over hers and then bought them to her ear.

'And what would you have me do? Act like nothing is wrong and let you suffer? While we are on the subject of secrets an lies, do you really think I do not notice you scurrying off on your own? And worse of all, when followed people seem to conveniently lose you and no matter how much I try I cannot find you when I scan all of Asgard.' She back away from him disgusted, she realised he must have been spying on her.

'Spying on me? Really?! I was under the impression I had freedom, that I wasn't bound to this palace like a servant. But then again maybe that's all I am to you. Just another possession, yeah?' she whispered to him and looked at his with disbelief.

'If you like, I can treat you as such. You are mine to do with as I wish.' he seethed 'I can treat you how I wish, use you. you are lucky I have treated you so far sweetly... But I can be cruel and unfair.' This was true. There was a side to him that spat venom and up until now he had only been like to honey with her. Y/N Craved her independence but also had gotten used to someone looking out for her like Loki seemed to do.

She laughed now, in his face. This was not the Loki she knew, this was what he wanted others to perceive him as. She considered him now and a deadly expression hardened his face and his eyes journeyed down her body. 'Don't you long to be ruled by me? To kneel at my feet? I know, I KNOW I like to see you on your knees love.' he smirked.

Y/N struck him with a slap to the face, she was disgusted all over again. He held his face looking at her laughing. 'How dare you. I am not someone to be ruled. I demand respect, something it looks like... you don't want me to have.' She seethed

'All I ask is for your undivided attentions and devotion,' Loki smiled holding his jaw. Y/N had noticed she had become stronger, she could hurt his before but now he was taking longer to recover. 

'What Loki, you want me to what? Sit in your chambers like a good little pet and await your return? You want me to be an obedient little servant? Well that isn't me Loki. The person before you has her own mind and independence. you can't take that away from me.' She pushed past his and started getting dressed.

'Where do you think you are going?' he grabbed her arm and pulled her to him.

'Somewhere you can't have control over me.' she jutted out her chin and pulled her arm away. She reached for her boot and she stumbled to the floor losing her balance. he quickly swooped to her side and picked her up. 'Get off me you bitch.' Y/N slapped his chest weekly, she was feverish again which the anger brought on.

Her eyes rolled back in her head and she slumped against him. He panicked and wiped her loose strands of hair from her face that were now becoming stuck to her forehead.

'I am sorry,' Loki cooed as he lifter her onto the bed 'Please do not anger yourself. It is making it worse.'  He stroked Y'N's forehead gently and she felt a coolness as he did this. 'You're the one who angered me you arsehole.' She shouted weakly. Loki stripped away her night dress and he began disrobing too.

'Wha-what are you doing?' she panicked a little, there was no way she was feeling well enough to have him do what she thought he was doing. 'Do not move, do not fuss. I will help bring your temperature down. He wrapped his arms around her as he lay next to her. Y/N Flinched, she must have been hot because he felt like ice on her skin. She could see her breath in front of her as she breathed which confused her. She was about to say something but he shushed her again comforting and caressing her hair.

'It's alright my love, please lean into my chest, forgive me my transgression I beg you. Let me hold you, please. She quit moving, she was too week anyhow. as she drifted off though, she could have sworn she saw his skin turn blue...

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