Lethe's Bramble Pt 1

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Y/N staggered out of the ball room. Heimdalls words echoed...

'You must know that no union could ever be.'

Tears streaming down her face in pain, pain that burned in her chest.

She got back to the room and sat on bed. Thinking for a moment of what she was to do. She knew that she couldn't just leave. She knew he would follow her.

She had to break his heart now to save his future.

She quickly cleaned herself up. and got changed into the clothing she came in. She wanted to leave with nothing that Loki had gifted.

Pacing the room, she waited. She took a glass of wine, and got ready for what she was going to say.

She lay back on the bed. Looking up now at the mural, she wished she were in Hel.

A few minuets later in walked Loki.

'There you are! I have been searching for you everywhere!' He walked up to her picked her up and span her around. She held on to him tightly, savouring those moments.

He brought her forward and to kiss her.

It's now or never...

'Loki, stop. We need to talk. '

He paused and looked at her confused. Never did he think she would refuse one.of his kisses.

'Us? It can't happen. It can't keep happening.'

'Whats wrong? Of course it can.'

'No, Loki. What I am doing is unfair. To you and to your future.' Y/N touched his face tenderly.

'You are here. We can go anywhere do anything. I know there are risks. But I have prepared for everything, nothing can hurt us. And now that I know you love me-'

But Y/N cut him off. She took a deep breath. 'I don't.'

He looked at her now confused, tears welling in his eyes.


'Love you. I don't Love you.' She felt herself weaken almost when she saw his face falter at her words. 'You said where ever you were you wanted me there. And that is too cruel a fate. Go live your life. Live it without me, because there is no place in this world for us in it together.' She tried to smile to spare her own feelings, she really wanted him to not love her. 'Fill your heart with love for someone else. Someone who can love you the way-' she took a deep breath in 'I never have. The way I never will.'

She looked at him, one solitary tear was falling down his face. She walked away and headed for the door. Her eyes began to stream and her heart screamed in agony.

He stood still not wishing to move. He was truly heartbroken.

Walking out of the Palace she saw Mary Owen. 'Y/N where are you going? Why are you leaving?'

'Oh Mary, I can't.' Y/N broke down 'I have to go, I can't be here.'

'Where is he? What happened?' Mary began looking for Loki.

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