Stolen Comforts

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Y/N couldn't believe it

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Y/N couldn't believe it. Food, money, and even a little tipple.

Oh my god what the actual- then guilt started to set in. Did this mean someone else went without?

Ill begotten spoils. Someone this Yuletide, their most happiest of celebrations would not be paid their due, she also stole their present.

She thought of the time and effort that would have gone into making the oats, the farmer, the people working the land. Pulling back her hood, she gathered the money into her hand from the bag.

Held it for moments, mere moments. That money could buy so much, give her comfort and food through the cold nights. Sighing qith resignation, she put the coins back and closed the money purse tight, placing it on the other bags of oats, confident the real owners would find it.
I'm keeping the Mead though. She thought laughing a little. She made her way through the forrest.

Unbeknownst to Y/N, her moment of kindness was being watched from the West Tower by two green eyes.

Y/N got back to her small den before nightfall. It wasn't much, but it was home. What she wouldn't do for netflix and a working torch though.

Y/N had been extremely clever, that Bear Grylls had finally come in handy. Her little home was a large tree whos roots had grown over a cave opening.

She has fashioned a door shaped with wood and thick animal hide she had taken from the tannery.

It was stretched across the wooden branches with and covered with ivy to hide the opening.

The tree above the cove was hollow and its innards were exposed to the sunlight, she had managed to knock through a small hole at the top of the cave for ventilation. A pretty bang up job she had thought smugly. If her tech teacher could see her now, they would have realised she wasn't so useess after all.

She got a small fire going and settled in for the night. The Asguard forrests were terrifying at night. Filled with creatures and horror stories, the most terrified she was of Frost Giants.

She had seen them once before traipsing in the woods their height and blue skin terrifying. Those red piecing eyes just filled with bad intent.

She quickly took a swig of the Mead, pushjng the fear out of her system. She noted the strength and even she couldn't have more than a couple of mouth fulls before she started getting wasted. Jesus, and I thought I was tequilas bitch.

Suddenly she thought of the strangers' eyes from earlier.
He was handsome, if a bit of a prick.

She came to realise that most Asgardian men thought themselves literally 'gods gift' which wasn't so different from some of the guys she had dated back home she supposed.

As she tucked into her cheese and bread she thought about home.
She missed her books, and her music. God she missed playing guitar, it always made her feel special to play and sing. When she sang, it was like no one and nothing could get her down. She began to hum, and old song she knew from being a kid...

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