Walking On Broken Glass

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The next morning, Y/N woke with a fantastic feeling

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The next morning, Y/N woke with a fantastic feeling. Today, I go home.

She stretched to the sound of the dawn chorus. She would miss the birdsong  and that was pretty much it. Okay, maybe the sweet air too.

It smelled like Lilacs and Lavender and Y/N always woke up feeling so peaceful to that scent.

She had hidden the ring in a safe place, where only she knew. She wasn't that stupid. That ring must have some special power.

After seeing the special powers her daggers had, Brokkr must have given it some sort of juice. But why he had entrusted her, she had no idea.

She quickly gathered her things ready to go and pick up the ring on her way to meet Brokkr.

Suddenly her feet were lifted from under her, the clouds rushed to her feed and the ground her heard. She was hanging upside down by one foot.

'What the hell, somebody help!' She screamed in blind panic.

Out of the woods came the darkest laugh Y/N ever heard. Legs and arms kicking  in a panic she tried to break free.

Out of the trees came THAT man.
The same tall, slim, green eyed stranger whom she had struck with a stone.
The same who had pushed her against the corridor wall in the Palace, both threatening and seductive.

'You!' She screamed, 'You foul, vile, evil little snake! Let me down this instant!'

He laughed at her struggling even more.
'Why should I thief? When your struggle makes fine entertainment.'

'Oh you creep!' Y/N exclaimed trying to free herself from her confine. She quickly realised he must have been hanging around her little makeshift home for a while to set this up.

What a prick!

'How long you were waiting for me? Were you watching me sleep? You know, a man sneaking around a womans home is pretty bent out of shape.'

'Aren't you the one who broke into the Palace? Into my chambers?' He pointed out.

'I steal things in order to sell them for money. Its called commerce.'

'But me breaking into your place-'

'Is bent. Out. Of. Shape.' She punctuated

He sighed. A little impatient.
'You have something of mine, I want it back.'

'I didn’t take anything from you pretty boy. I stole from the great god of lies and tricks himself. Hardly a crime. He'd probably commend me.'

'Yes, I do indeed. Very impressive.' He retorted. She had no idea who he was.

Wait.... she thought for a moment. Noooooo! Surely not...

'Loki, pleased to meet you.' He offered her his hand. Folding her arms she just smiled

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