Lethe's Bramble Pt2

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Y/N hade felt a change in herself ever since she drank that potion. There was nothing in her heart that felt empty but she felt as though something had been taken. It was like when you walk into a room forgetting what you went in for.

It was strange she remembered she took the potion and why- to forget someone, but.... who? Best not to dwell. It had been a week since she drank the potion and she felt great. She had even gotten better at hunting.

The other day she had shot a deer, while it was moving.

It was better when you didn't feel sorry for your prey any more.
She remembered thinking, and thinking that it was odd to feel that way but She had shrugged it off and carried on.

Whatever she had forgotten must have been worth forgetting.

'Well well, I have been looking for you!' Said a voice coming through the clearing. It was Mary Owen. 'Mary! I haven't seen you for a while. I hope you are well. What do you want?' She said coldly

Mary paused a moment, 'I am fine, I have for you some vegetables from the Palace. And some news!'

Y/N sat forward listened Intrigued.
'He is looking for you, and he still loves you!'

Y/N stared blankly. 'Who?'
'Well the Prince of course Loki!'

Y/N stared at her in the most quizzical manner that Mary thought she would burst laughing. 'My girl, don't tell me you are over him? You can't be!'

Then Mary looked deep into her eyes and realised what she had seen when she first had laid eyes upon her.

'Where did you go?' She asked solemnly, 'there is something missing I see it in your eyes! What have you done?' She rifled through Y/N's bag, searching. 'Y/N tried to stop her, but then she found the small bottle. Mary opened it and smelled it.

'Lethe's water... you drank this? Oh
Y/N this is why you have changed!' Mary sighed dissapointed.

'Changed how?' Y/N challenged.

'You have become cold. This potion has changed you!'

'No, that potion made me forget whatever or whomever I wanted to forget and I am clearly better off.' Y/N said her chin in the air.

'I should be home by now, back on midgard but I cant go back. Instead I live in fear in the woods hiding from the wrath of Frost Giants and monsters waiting for them to kill me.'

Y/N thought for a moment
'Now thats a thought...Why should I wait for them to attack? Why not strike the first blow?' Y/N smiled now gathering her things. 'You can take food, I am not hungry anyway.'

'You are insane, what do you think you will do against frost giants?'

'Burn them...'

'Have you lost your mind? Have you lost all grip on reality? You need to listen to yourself!' Mary shook Y/N hard to try and break her out of this crazy state.

'What I need is to be left alone, what I dont need is some annoying cook to lecture me.' Y/N walked out in the the woods ready to go face Benkul the Frost Giant however she may come across him.

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