Gods and Monsters

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Y/N practically ran back to the Palace at full speed. Don't look back just run, get out of these woods. She thought to herself, she couldn't believe her mother had turned up out of the blue, like it was nothing. What was worse was that she had found Y/N it was no problem at all, she had tracked he down to the exact point of place.

If Y/N was easy enough to find, she would have to do everything to keep Loki and all of Asgard safe from whatever and whomever came next.

She walked into her chambers and lay down on the bed, feeling sick to her stomach with worry. She wanted to close her eyes and for everything, all of it to had just been a dream that she could just wake from.

Loki's POV

Loki paced in his study with a book of celestials in his hand. If Y/N had indeed celestial gifts he would need to know how to handle them. He had long had her blood analysed to find her parentage. And no, it wasn't the blood he had taken in the vile, on that he was true. No, when she had given herself a paper cut in the Library, he thought he had been incredibly clever on that, she hadn't even realised what he had done. He smiled thinking of his trickery, humans were easy to fool but he didn't expect it to be that easy with her. Y/N had her guard down and he had swooped in at the last moment and tricked her. He suddenly stopped smiling, his trickster self was vindictive and controlling, that was something he could never be with her. 

The door to his study opened, and a guard popped his head around the door. 'My liege, she has returned.' 

Loki snapped the book closed and smiled turning to leave. He had been amused by the way Y/N had been able to give his guards the slip when they had followed her, and he could not sense her anywhere in Asgard when she was gone which gave him much worry. 

He glided down the hallway on his way to meet her. As he stepped inside, he saw a sleeping Y/N on the bed still clothed and legs dangling over the bed. She looked utterly exhausted and pitiful. She is so peaceful when she sleeps he thought as he passed his hand over her brow. She whimpered and turned over. A nightmare? As she slept Loki wondered what her nightmare was.

He passed another hand over her brow and stroked her face. 'Wake up, my queen.' he smiled. her eyes snapped open and she had such a look of worry on her face it terrified him. What could have her so scared, and why?

'Loki, I am so glad you are back.' She sat up and pulled him to her, shaking. He held her close and firm. 

'Where have you been, what has happened? I need to know now.'

'Loki, please don't ask me questions, just hold me. Loki, I need you.' She pulled him in close and kissed him hungrily.  Oh gods, her mouth, her embrace... he thought lustfully, as he lowered her down to the bed. No, I need to know  he pulled himself away and she moaned from the absence of him.

'I need you to tell me everything. Where have you been and why are you so fearful?' He held her shoulders  tightly shaking her a little. She looked up at him with a furrowed brow and he thought in the moment that he could never be so frustrated with a person as he was with her. She shook away from him as pushed him back.

'I don't want to talk Loki. I just want you what is so hard to understand. God, Loki!' She scolded her eyes burning.

'Damn you woman, why won't you let me in? Why won't you let me protect you? I will kill, make, and torture anyone who would harm or hurt you. And you won't even tell me what you do in the day?' He shouted making her jump. He ran his hand over his face.
'Gods woman, why won't you let me?'

'Because I am protecting you Loki. All I want to do is protect you and your precious family because I am a mess. I dont know who or what I am, not really! I am a mess, people are after me and I am dangerous. I am so dangerous I have been trying to control my powers, getting lessons.To learn how to be less of a monster Loki.'

He couldn't believe what he was hearing. She thought she was a monster? To him every part of her was perfection. Every freckle, every blemish ever hair on her head.

He stood now and walked the room considering what she had said.

'You are anything but a monster.' He murmured. He raised his eyes to the mirror looking deep into his own eyes. The secret he kept about himself, he kept from all. He crossed back over to her and took her hands in his. 'You are no monster Y/N, I am. I am the thing that Asgardians tell their children stories about. The monster under the bed. I am a beast who is so lucky to have you in my life.'

He was begging her with his eyes, he couldn't bare to see her so filled with sorrow. 'You are, the most wonderful Midgardian maid I have ever encountered. I have never met anyone like you. But I? I will never allow anyone to harm or upset you. On pain of death.'

Wrapping his arms around her he began to feel hungry for her again. Laying back on the bed he drew her in, lying facing each other hip to hip.
He felt complete again next to her as his anger ebbed she spoke up.

'Loki... you said you were a monster. What do you mean?'

He stiffened. Gods, why did I say that? He stroked her cheek and looked at her regretfully, he wasn't sure if he had the strength for this. Would she feel repelled by him? She had fought Frost Giants, even voiced her distaste for them. Even more of a worry, would she forgive him the lie?

'I am not what I portray.' He said looking away. He could sense her searching his face for answers.

'I always felt a coldness in my heart, a dark energy growing within my bosom. I am not Asgardian.'

He looked to her now to see her reaction. She looked confused but not alarmed. So far so good.

'But thats ridiculous. You are Loki, son of Odin, you are the most Asgardian of all, you are of the royal family. Trust me, you can't get any more Asgardian than that.'

He brought her in clutching her body to his. 'No. I am not Odinson. I am Laufeyson.' He trembled slightly in her arms, did she notice? She looked up to him eyes filled with questions and worry. She pulled away and broke from his arms.

'What do you mean, you are Laufeyson. Laufey is the king of Jotunheim. That's correct?'
He nodded grimly. He closed his eyes and she saw the tears welling in his eyes.

'You're a Frost giant?' His head bowed and he brought his hands to his head in shame.

'You should go. A monster like me is not worthy of a woman like you. You deserve better, you deserve someone who can bring you light and warmth, not cold and darkness.'

He suddenly felt the warmth of her hand on his and he looked up meeting her gaze.

'Show me. Show me your true self Loki.'

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